Social Media Usage and Addiction...


New member
Jul 9, 2020
As a college student, my parenting skills are non-existent, and I couldn’t possibly understand all the fine skills of parenting. However, I do have the view of now a former teenager on how some parenting styles might affect the children.
 I’ve recently noticed how many of my social media habits were created at a young age and now my phone is a part of my being. I spend a lot of time on social media every day and {I’ve found it to be very hard to get out of this habit.
In parenting the line between what is too much and what isn’t is hazy. If parents care “too” much it can backfire as rebelling. If parents let the kids figure it out on their own it can also backfire as too much freedom.  Studies have found that social media and especially social media addiction can have various downsides for current safety in ways like inappropriate sites, scamming and harmful people. It can also lead to bad habits, like social media addiction, which can affect future success. The constant distractions phone and social media usage causes are almost too many to fully control. It is also impractical to try and fully prevent smartphone and social media usage.
Like many problems, the most effective strategy would be to preemptively prevent problems from arising. Monitoring can be effective, and it is up to the parents to decide what is necessary. But what if at an early age, children were educated more efficiently on rightful internet usage. Many kids learn social media from their brothers, sisters, and peers. Which often isn’t the best possible source. When buying the first smartphone parents could right away educate children on how to use social media and even give suggestions to which social media sites are good. It is sometimes hard to remember that not everything about social media is bad.
Another study, found here (, Correlates certain personality traits, mainly: extraversion, Neuroticism, and fear of missing out, as a possible threat for increased social media usage. And this is where I encourage every parent to really step in. If there are any personality traits in your children that could correlate with a higher chance of increased social media usage. Acting early and educating children instead of waiting and monitoring them could be way more useful and help create increased trust between the parent and the child children by not having the need to monitor every action they take.

I hope this can help everyone see another, younger perspective to a very small and new area of parenting.


New member
Jun 25, 2020
I agree with what you said about educating kids on rightful internet usage. I think I am already doing it to my daughter, I let her use social media for 1 hr a day and she's okay with it. 


New member
Jul 20, 2020
Cleveland, OH

Thank you so much for your input and I will surely read the link you mentioned. I agree that we should really have some sort of trust to our kids and not monitor them all the time. And setting a time, for social media usage is also a great way to have a much clearer understanding of their limitations and you won't be such a nagger and stressed equally. 

My name is Mitch, I am a homeschooling/ work-from-home / single mom of 2,  a 13 year old girl and a 3 year old boy.

I am confident my kids listen to what I say, what to view on the internet and what not, but I understand too that they are still vulnerable to a lot of things and there are a lot of bad people out there trying to devour kids for whatever purpose they may have.

I was thinking, just for precaution, why not try these parental controls. This is the article I read, There are a lot of options. Has anyone here used parental controls? Any suggestions? 

I am hoping to get something that's easy to use, suitable for my kids' ages and whatever parental control I am going to purchase, I would be really happy if it would have a tracking device.
Thank you so much in advance for your thoughts!

During this lockdown, I had realised one thing that being at home the whole day had turned my children screen-addicted. Whenever I have seen them they were always with a phone or Tab(mine) or on TV watching some stupid fun.

I had to do something about it. And I did. We started spending more time with them..having conversations, inhouse games, household chores and so on..Here is a complete list of what we did to get rid of our kids's mobile addiction.


New member
Jul 3, 2020
I feel like kids these days born addicted to smartphones. My baby girl is 6 months old and she won't even play with the beautiful toys. She seems excited at first but a couple of minutes and then get bored. The only thing that she enjoys are those colorful animated videos for kids and this much screen at such young age kind of makes me worried. She is 6 months old.

Tyler Gavin

New member
Apr 11, 2022
social media is ruining the new generation. i agree with you. For me, social media addiction i the worst type of addiction out there.