Telling my parents I'm moving out...


PF Regular
Jun 17, 2011
Kid your fine. Not just fine outstanding. Keep your work ethic up and stay off drugs and you will go far man!

If they dont give you money, and you can afford to live on your own you should. This sounds like they don't wanna let go. If that's the case then it may be harder. The above posters are right to tell you to just leave. Save up the money and do it. Promise to spend sunday lunch with them.

Also heres an angle to play. You want to find a woman. (if their conservative say wife) You are gonna be limited by living with your parents in that department.


Junior Member
Aug 28, 2011
I totally agree with "singledad".
I don't understand why kids want to move out just as soon as they turn 18. They have a whole life ahead of them and there is always a right time to do the right things.

Parents are always looking out for the best for their children. By staying home, just imagine your savings without moving a muscle. No matter where you go, you will still need to cook and clean for yourself.
I would advise you to stay put, enjoy your parents, save your money, invest your savings when you have enough and buy a house that has a finished basement. Rent the basement so that you have cash coming in and live on the main floor. All will be well in the end and you will come out a winner.

This advise is coming from a middle aged woman who has seen and lived life. I just hope that you will make a wise decision.


Sep 3, 2011
1. I would find the place first before moving.

2. A family member did that, and when they lost their job, they moved
right back in. Spent over 10,000 dollars in bills,from pockets. It was a nice place, and they even brought a dog.

3. Your life, your goals, then do it. You think you can, then why not.

5. A carrer is not for money. It is a goal you care about. Jobs are for money. You might get a job relating to what you want. My father had a job and called it a carrer. He was an IBMer, and made 30 dollars an hour at the time. Now he makes 120 dollars an hour. That is still nothing in his eyes. He sit around his workplace doing the work like if it was opening a door. That is what a college job is for. His carrer goal was an artist ( painting ) and he quit after not getting a scholorship. He paints but just for fun.