The hospital ordeal, I f$!@king hate them!...


PF Addict
Aug 9, 2010
St. John, VI
Ok, so I need to get ready to organize my thoughts and put them down on paper so I can start a formal complaint against some of the people at the hospital that I encountered when Ilo was born. I don't even know how to make this short, or how to not make this ramble, but here it goes....

Ilo was born at 6:47pm on Thursday Dec 16th. I had some trouble delivering the placenta and some of it got left behind. They had to sedate me and do a manual removal. This was incredibly painful and the sedation didn't seem to do anything to help. Anyhow... I made it to my room over on the postpartum ward and patiently waited for morning to roll around for the pediatrician to come in and check Ilo out. I made it clear in my birth plan, and to the nurses on the postpartum ward that I intended to leave as soon as Ilo was checked out and I was through with my two rounds of IV antibiotics. Ilo had 10 on his apgar, so I figured he was going to get a clear bill of health when the doctor came.

6am, the doctor came. He was really nice and you could just tell that he had something special. Great with babies. He said Ilo was perfect and as soon as I hit the 24 hour mark, we would be released. I told him that I wanted to leave before then, that I would sign the leaving against medical advice papers, and we would be on our way as soon as I was done with my medicine. He said, "baby is perfectly healthy, and I don't see a problem with that, so okie dokie."

There was a shift change with the nurses. The new ones came in and introduced themselves. One nurse came in, looked at Ilo's chart, said, "oh, he was born yesterday morning." I explained to her that he was born last night and she wanted to know how he got his discharge papers (since it hadn't been 24 hours). I told her that I was leaving early and the doctor checked him, I told him my wishes, etc. She said "oh" and left.

I finished my medicine and asked for the IV to be removed. I asked three nurses to take it out. Nobody would do it. So I got dressed, with my IV in place, and waited.

Then a psychologist came in. She was really nice. She warned me about postpartum depression. I told her about my history with depression, about how I deal with it, and explained my support system and that I have a psychologist on St. John that I talked to if I felt the need. She said, "you sound like you know what you are doing, I will go get someone to get you your discharge papers". She also knew that I was going to leave before the 24 hour period (this is just 'policy', the waiting period).

Then, about 6 people, maybe 8, all came in my room and sat and stood all around me. One lady, who said she is the social services liaison for the hospital told me that I couldn't leave the hospital. She said I had to wait the 24 hours. I remained calm, told her that the doctor had discharged the baby, so I didn't understand why I couldn't leave if I signed the papers to cover their butts. She said, "Oh, he did?" and the first nurse (the one who asked how he got his discharge papers before the 24 hours) said, "NO, he doesn't have discharge papers." The it went on from there...just some of the things I remember being said,

-don't you care about your baby?
-(in regards to the cost of staying) You can set up a payment plan.
-aren't you worried about something bad happening to your baby
-They scoffed, and rolled their eyes (literally) when I told them I would have follow up care at their satellite clinic on St. John
-They insinuated that the doctors on St. John were inadequate

That is just a little of it.... This went on for awhile and I finally just said, What will happen if I leave? They said they would call the police and social services and implied that I would be arrested and the baby would be taken away from me. I said, "Call Social Services, I want to talk to them." My thinking was, I need to talk to these people, because obviously, this set of people are lunatics and I need to talk to someone who knows a good parent when they see one.

Everyone left the room. The psychologist, if her eyes could talk, they would have been saying "I am so sorry, but I don't know what to do." Apparently, they all went to a meeting, a scheduled meeting that had nothing to do with me, and after they were done, then they decided to call social services. Shortly after that the CEO of the hospital came in to say hello. Then awhile later, two ladies from social services came in. They said, "Do you know why we are here?" I said, "Because I asked them to call you." They were very shocked, said, "nobody EVER wants to see us." I said, "I thought you are supposed to help families?" Anyhow... one of them was totally on my side, but she wasn't out and out saying it. The other one went on and on saying that I was putting my baby at risk, and other B/S. I wouldn't let it go, and they finally said, "Well, we'll go talk to the doctor and see what he says." They came back and said he said I could go, so they got the paperwork ready and I left. This was around noon. But not without a case having been opened and having to report to these people for an unforeseeable amount of the future.

I cannot even explain to you how freaked out I was. I stayed calm, but I was about ready to peel apart. I have social anxiety, and when all of those people came in my room I was so freaked out just by their presence. Then they started in on my about how I was a bad mom, that I might be arrested, that they were going to take the baby from me. I had a death grip on Ilo the whole time. If anyone even tried to touch him, I was going to freak the F out on them. I had to send my husband out, had him go get me something to eat, and that was probably the best thing. He would have went completely ape $hit on these people if he heard what they were saying to me.

So, I take a look at the discharge papers more closely when I get out of the hospital. Ilo had been discharged at 6:27...AM....many many hours before any of this crap happened. The nurse FLAT OUT LIED TO SOCIAL SERVICES. I now know that she is the one who referred me and started the whole mess.

That is just some of it, and I hope you don't mind me adding to this.... Sorry it's so long already!!! I have so much emotion tied up in all of this and I am having a hard time putting it all down. I really really need to though so I can get moving with the formal complaint. I don't want it to be one big long unorganized bitch. My complaint needs to be taken seriously, so I have to make sure that I do this right.

I need everyone's help! I have to write this in a way that fully explains what happened to someone who wasn't there (like all of you :) )


Super Moderator
Jul 3, 2008
melba, Idaho
You write a letter to the grievance board explaining exactly what you explained here. It's very coherent and conveys the emotions you were feeling at the time, something they need to understand.

I can say I had something very similar happen with Kailyn when she was born. I have to back up though to when Aiden was born, I was strep B+ was both of them. I have very fast labors as a general rule and because of this I did not get to have any anti-biotics in my system before he was born which meant an automatic 48 hour hospital stay. I was technically released at the 24 hour mark but so long as they didn't need the room I could stay in it (free..which was cool) with the baby. Fine, at that point I understood, didn't like it at all but I understood.

With Kailyn I wanted to avoid that so we planned and induction, the actual induction didn't start for about an hour or so after the anti-biotics were started, we figured that would be enough time if she followed the births of all of my other kids, which she did but didn't do. a couple hours in we went ahead and did the epi, and figured within a hour or two she would be born, I would have had enough anti biotics and all would be good.

Yeah right, she had other plans. My epi didn't take in a portion of the right side, in the front. They kept checking and nothing was really happening. normal but unusual for me. I was also at the tail end of the swine flu so I was being kept pretty seperated from everyone else. 12 hours later I start to feel intense, mind blowing pain on the side that didn't take. The nurse came in checked me and said I was at a six, she left and 2 seconds later the pain in my side was undescribable but I also had an odd sensation down below. Next thing I know my room is bombarded, the nurse throws back the sheet to check me and to their and my surprise lays little miss Kailyn. She technically self birth.

Fast forward, I am ready to go home, I had enough anti-biotics to cure an elephant at that point so strep b was no longer and issue, but they wouldn't release us, I said fine I will just leave AMA, they threatened with social service, Kailyn did have a low body temp, so I said if I let you run the test you want to run and everything comes back fine can we leave, they said yes. Fine, run the test. Everything came back fine and still they wouldn't let us leave. So I said bring on the papers, this isn't my first child and they to had lower then normal body temps. So in comes social services, lucky for me they did see where I was coming from, and lucky for me my ped came in and forced the issue if letting me go home and he took on the responsibility. There were things I had to do at home and precautions I needed to take, but I finally got released. I was going to take on social services, I really didn't care. I knew me and my children better then anyone and it wouldn't be my first round with them.

It worked out great, we had one scare with her temp but we got it back up and all was good. But honestly had it not been for this doc stepping in I could have been in the same boat you are. So I hear you on how it is really an unfair practice.


PF Addict
Aug 9, 2010
St. John, VI
Thanks m2m. I am still pretty angry about all of this. I have to deal with social services now. Once the case was referred to the one social worker on St. John, and they left it in her hands, things went more smoothly. She doesn't understand why I got referred and said she was just going to close the case. I had to go and sign some papers and I am not comfortable with what I had to sign. She did give me some NAMES though and that is great. She wouldn't give me copies of anything, which I thought was odd. Said it was against policy. I can't think of a single business, establishment, organization, that wont give you a copy of something they are requiring you to sign. Of particular concern is a consent form. I asked what it is for, she said so that they can ask 'questions' and have my consent to get answers. She said it covered everyone. (schools, doctors, etc) I asked how long it lasted, she said "about 6 months". I feel really messed up about signing something that I don't fully understand and I felt like I HAD to sign it or else I would have a lot of trouble.

I felt like I was being held against my will and they also made me feel like a criminal. Ilo was perfectly healthy. There were absolutely no concerns about his health. Another thing, the hospital is on St. Thomas, and I live on St. John. If I would have waited for the 24 hour period, I would have been released with no place to go. I had my car on St.Thomas, and the last ferry leaves at 7pm. I would have had to get a hotel room or stay in my car for the night.


PF Deity
Mar 20, 2008
Wow that's just awful!!! :( You know, social services really makes me mad sometimes, between picking on good parents and ignoring bad ones. They are just awful when it comes to picking on some people for no reason, stressing out parents who do a good job and love their kids, and completely ignoring other kids in terrible situations with parents that don't do their job or give a crap. I have seen way too much of the system and you know, it makes me sick. I am so sorry this happened to you during what was supposed to be a happy time!! Those people sounded REDICULOUS and you absolutely did not deserve to be harassed like that. Makes me so mad. Good luck writing your letter, and I really hope someone gets in trouble for this, especially the nurse that flat out lied.


PF Fiend
Aug 23, 2010
i agree. it makes sense and wasnt difficult to read. the order of everything that happened is good...wasnt jumpy. maybe put more emphasis on how ur state was while this was happening.


PF Addict
Aug 9, 2010
St. John, VI
Thanks for the input. I started an email dialog with someone at the hospital about all of this. I gave her some more info and then told her that I am following suggestions and just copy pasted the whole thing in an email. I haven't heard anything from her (sent it fri morning) as of yet. It's a lot of info, so I will give her a little more time before I try and contact her again.

I also asked the hospital for itemized billing for all outstanding bills. I got them in the mail, a total of 9 bills and all but one of them has problems. I'm glad I asked before I paid! They have serious problems at that hospital, and not just attitude problems.