Triple Test...


PF Visionary
May 16, 2008
Cleveland, OH
So, there's a test called a "triple test" that we will have to decide whether or not to do. This tests for possible birth defects, retardation, diseases, genetic abnormalities, etc.

Did you get the test done? The thing is, I've known several people that had the test done, got warnings that something was wrong, and everything turned out to be fine. One person was told that their kid would be a Downs Syndrome kid, and it turned out to be completely false. So, my confidence is not very high in the accuracy of this test.

Half of me wants to know of any impending issues so that we have time to prepare...the other half is like "we're going to love whatever God gives to us, so why worry?"



Super Moderator
Oct 20, 2008
IMO the first concern is that people would use this to either avoid the birth or the responsibility after word. (nicest what I could think to phrase that) Scary.

The upside would be that possibly you could take prenatal supplements ect. Reacting early to lesson the severity of a issue.

The last would be a incorrect result causing you to do either of the above.

Not being in that situation now I can only guess what I would do.


PF Deity
Mar 20, 2008
I wouldn't bother, personally. I got it done with ODS and it was clear, and I decided that it really didn't matter anyway so this time around I didn't bother with it. Mainly because it wouldn't change anything anyway, and also because I have heard SO MANY stories about false test results that had parents freaking out. I have spoken to at least three or four people that were told their child would have something wrong (usually downs) and they were born completely normal. The thing is, you will find out later in the pregnancy via ultrasound if your child has down sydrome for REAL anyway. They can tell by facial features and heart defects and such. I just don't want to imagine how many parents freaked out for months thinking their kid had downs (or aborted, ick) just because of this not that accurate test. You can probably tell, I'm not a big fan! lol


Super Moderator
Jul 3, 2008
melba, Idaho
I had it done with all of my kids, I also had a false-positive for downs with Aiden. We did do the ultra sound to measure bone growth and head growth but stopped there, no amnio. If he was to have had downs it wouldn't have mattered, it is used to help parents with their "options" as well as helping them be informed in the event that something is going to be wrong. Aiden is fine so in the end no big deal.

Honestly it is up to you, they use many factors to determine the risk involved...age of mother, weight, smoker/non-smoker and then the blood results. if your wife is other wise healthy, I might decline. I would just happen to like to be for warned.


Super Moderator
Feb 23, 2009
We skipped it, but we were having Amnio done due to DW's advanced age. So there was reeally no reason to. But on its own, I think the false positives rate is too high, so you just end up adding stress to the pregnancy. The only reason we had the amnio done was to be able to prepare if something was genetically different and we'd need to provide different care. We would not have "avoided" it, that's just how we roll.


Dec 18, 2011
Albany, OR
You truly are going to love whatever child God gives you and I don't see any point in having these tests done. Before the modern miracle of medicine, women had babies in their beds and took great care of them regardless of how they came out. You as a parent are already equipped with the ability to deal with any situation that may come. You'd be surprised how much strength we truly have. So knowing now or knowing later doesn't really matter. Knowing that you can give that child a wonderful life no matter what is what really counts.