Was shocked after reading this....


Junior Member
Sep 8, 2016
Hey all! Had anyone here heard of this incident before? http://www.sommersandroth.com/wp-content/uploads/newsarticle/13551412642089087609Gonzalez-Toronto-Star.pdf[/url] It happened in the year 1992. I recently read this while searching for different complications during pregnancy. I'm five months pregnant and I'd seen my sister suffer from some complications during her pregnancy. So, in order to be in the safer side, I wanted to learn more on all these and know how I could avoid it. This article here, sure gave me a shock. This baby was born with cerebral palsy and that happened cause of the negligence of the doctors during his mom's labor. Off course they compensated later, but sure that didn't help the child in any way. That leaves me with the question. How much can we trust the doctors we are consulting? Does anyone feel the same like I do? Do share your opinions on this.


Junior Member
Sep 8, 2016
Labour and deliver is dangerous and always has been. Doctors on the whole are very good at what they do. But complications do happen sometimes. On the whole the doctors will follow the Hippocratic oath fully and help much more than they harm. You dug pretty far into the past to find that complication, and things like that don't happen often.

But there is risk involved in anything worthwhile, and in becoming a parent you're becoming part of a longer chain of life.

Odds are the doctor that caused that complication solved, healed, or prevented hundreds if not thousands of others. Or he was an odd one out in being especially bad.

Either way that particular complication is not something you can do much to prevent or anticipate. Focus on what you can control. Eating well, keeping up your health, mitigating stress are all very important and things you can control to promote the health of your baby.

But yeah, if you don't feel like you can trust your doctor find another. Don't be paranoid about it but they should make you feel secure. I saw no less than 4 different ones in the course of my children, only one I disliked but they where all very capable and it was just the personality of the one I didn't like. Even then when we asked to see someone else the one we didn't get along with as well was happy to oblige. See if your doctor makes you comfortable, and if not ask for another.


PF Fanatic
Feb 26, 2015
Many complications have been caused, not just from doctors, but also the position mothers are required to be in while giving birth. High stress situations with multiple people fussing around in the room, having to push out a baby while laying down, or being on a slight angle, which goes against gravity. If women were squatting labor and births would be quicker, less painful and go much more smoothly. Instead, doctors have been trained to think that mothers don't know squat about themselves, or how they feel. There is little trust the doctors have with patients, in general.