What can be done about sexual harassment among students?...


PF Fanatic
Feb 26, 2015
It seems there's a few in every class in Junior High since the invention of school. But I don't think, in this day and age, that girls should have to put up with immature boys who over step the line from being silly to being downright offensively inappropriate. And on top of that, the teacher not doing a thing about it to correct the offenders.
My daughter has been complaining about a small group of boys in her class that are making her and few of her friends uncomfortable in class. They are making rude and harassing remarks regarding their bodies or just female bodies in general. My daughter refers to them as the "perverts".
In the workplace, you can report this as sexual harassment and the perpetrator would have to be dealt with.
In school, nothing seems to happen. I've had to endure it. I've witnessed others being harassed in class. Every time, the teachers ignore it and let it go.
Am I missing something here? Is it really okay for students to degrade and sexually heckle other student? Isn't there something I can do to stop it so my daughter and her friends can feel comfortable in class?


PF Enthusiast
Oct 20, 2014
Have you tried going to the principal about this? That's what I'd do. Kids should not have to feel uncomfortable like that.

If you know the parents of the kids, you could also talk to the parents.

Lisa Bunnage

Junior Member
Jan 18, 2016
Vancouver, BC
If the teacher isn't dealing with this, then go straight to the principal or vice-principal. Schools want no part of legal suits regarding sexual harassment so usually address this issues quickly.


PF Enthusiast
Jan 25, 2016
You need to email the teachers and let them know that you are aware of what is happening and that you would like them to put a stop to it and let them know that your next step will be to go to the principal. Most teachers will do something at that point to stay out of trouble or go to the principal themselves about the issue. If you still get know response then go to the next school board meeting and address it there and let them know that something needs to be done before you take things further such as going to the media. The schools do not like to be put out there on the media and will probably take care of the issue.


PF Fanatic
Feb 26, 2015
I'm not going to go to the media. I know what that's all about and I don't want that kind of attention nor subject my daughter to it.

My daughter said that one of the boys has gotten caught saying something dirty and she said that the teacher didn't seem she knew what to do. I think that the teacher knew what to do so she sent him to the office. One boy has been suspended for vulgar behaviour.