What do you do when teachers break confidentiality?...


PF Fanatic
Feb 26, 2015
My daughter, Evelyn, told me this morning that her friend, Jessica, asked her when she's getting glasses.

Confused at the question, as no one but the family and the teacher are aware that my daughter does need to get her eyes examined, Evelyn asked her Jessica who she heard that from.

Jessica said that one of their teachers told Jessica and another friend that Evelyn needs glasses.

I was quite taken aback that her friends were divulged such information from the teacher and Evelyn was upset about it, too.

I never said she was actually getting glasses to her teacher, either.

I took some time this morning to mull over what to do. I called the school and talked to the vice principal and he said that he'll investigate and look into it.
I don't know the context and tone or how that conversation came about between the teacher and Evelyn's friends. Hopefully it was nothing too serious. I know it's nothing too bad and embarrassing. But I'm wondering of there is more going on that I don't know about.

I view it as a breach of confidentiality and privacy. I've came across another teacher way back when Evelyn was in kindergarten, with a gossip-happy teacher that was way too comfortable sharing very personal and sensitive information to me about other kids. So, I know this kind of teacher behaviour exists.


Super Moderator
Jul 3, 2008
melba, Idaho
Most likely it was an observation that the teacher voiced.

Let's be honest here, it's glasses we are talking about. It's really not that big of deal.


PF Fanatic
Feb 26, 2015
I know it's just glasses. I'm just wondering why a teacher would bring it up to other students and if there even more information that is more sensitive being leaked out to other students about my daughter and others.
But, to be sure, I did call the vice-principal and he said he would look into it. Right now, we're letting it slide after spending the day to reflect on it.
I just find it odd.


Super Moderator
Jul 3, 2008
melba, Idaho
I'm just gonna be blunt, it's called a conversation that probably happened during chit chat.

If it had been say something personal, of a medical nature that really is a need to know bases and maybe not obvious to an observer. I could see where that might be an issue. Glasses though, the need is often noticed by the teachers first, unless the child figures it out on their own.