Moving to Real (Table) Food...


PF Regular
Oct 4, 2011
Louisville, AL
Some people are probably going to think it's crazy that our 10 month old is just now eating real food - but it's taken us a little bit to get her there. Maybe I'll find out she's not that "out of the loop".

Looking for some tips/advice though - so far we've tried lots of things really - pasta, rice, peas, beans, bananas, carrots, apples, and breads. Of those things she has eaten rice and peas (together) and bread - any kind - biscuits, rolls, little pancakes. Oh, and she loves cheerios. My concern/worry is that this isn't a good thing. Is it just a (longer) process to get them to eating more things. I thought it would be easier since she liked bananas that she would eat the actual bananas, etc. - but that hasn't held true! Ha!

Thanks for the advice!


Super Moderator
Jul 3, 2008
melba, Idaho
I wouldn't worry about it to much as this stage, remember that food is about fun and exploration, not about nutrition. It takes the average baby about ten tries before they 'like' it., with this is mind just keep offering what she does like with something new. If she doesn't eat it it's not a big deal. None of mine have any food before 6 months of age, and even then they aren't always into it until about 10/11 months. She has time.


PF Regular
Oct 4, 2011
Louisville, AL
She still eats her baby food when we dont' think she's getting enough variety I guess you coudl say - so I don't know if this is just confusing her too. Somedays it really seems like she is getting tired of both - bottle and baby food. Thanks for the advice.


PF Addict
Aug 9, 2010
St. John, VI
My guy didn't start with table food until 11 months or so. I made all of the baby food, so I just started to make it chuckier at first. He didn't really have enough teeth until 11 months to chew up table food. Once I could just put things on the table in front of him he started to really enjoy it. He will try almost anything as long as he gets to pick it up and stick it in his mouth. I would only put a few things down at a time...all of the same thing... so he would try it. I still cook just for him though. I do pumpkin (which he loves), carrot, potato, and broccoli a lot. Just boil/steam them until they are soft and put little pieces on his tray. Broccoli is usually the last to go, but he will eat it :)

I wouldn't worry about it. I mean, she hasn't been eating solid foods for long, so just give her some time.


PF Regular
Oct 4, 2011
Louisville, AL
Thanks - I guess we're just getting a little over anxious about it. She has done better even since I posted this and has eaten pasta with green beans and carrots. So that's improvement! Thanks again for the advice.


PF Addict
Aug 9, 2010
St. John, VI
I forgot to explicitly say, I don't think it's crazy that your little one is just moving to table food :) Kids just go at their own pace, this is super new to them. It's not even weird that they would refuse something you give them and then eat it like crazy when at grandma's house. I know some kids at one who won't eat anything but crackers or baby food. Just keep offering it and she will start trying, and no need to worry about it :)