Recent content by KS_adoption

  1. K

    Diaper Free!...

    Congrats! I can't wait til my 2 year old shows some interest in the potty...
  2. K

    My kid's teacher says......

    That's great!! So cool that she's good at both math AND reading. That balance is so important.
  3. K

    What age should a child be home alone...

    My parents left me at home alone starting at age 8 or 9, but I can't imagine doing that with my daughter. I would probably wait until she was 11 or 12, but since she's still a toddler now, I guess i have a lot of time to think about it! LOL
  4. K

    Help getting child to brush his teeth...

    With my toddler I always offer to sing her a goofy song that I make up, about anything. I'll say "want me to sing a song about bears eating honey?" She'll nod, then open her mouth. Works like a charm.
  5. K


    My daughter has a TON of stuffed animals, but only a few she truly loves. We actually get a lot more stuffed animals for gifts than we'd like, but I know some kids collect them.
  6. K

    How much time you people spend on a gym?...

    I was really into the gym for about four months, then I got burnt out. Now I just ride my bike for exercise and do the Wii fit for strength training. There are definitely cheaper ways to get in shape.
  7. K

    No more cursive writing?...

    I'm 32, and the only time I've ever used cursive is in elementary school! That was how many years ago? I think it is definitely dying. I'd rather my children be exposed to art, science, music, and P.E. than cursive.
  8. K

    Laundry Debate...

    I think it's good to set some expectations. You can leave their clothes folded outside their door, and if they're not put away by the end of the day, then you'll do it. That way they have the chance to take charge of their privacy, but they know that the clothes DO need to be put away.