Recent content by menno

  1. menno

    what to do when your son / daughter made pictures they regret?...

    Ok, thank you for these replies. When reading about it I thought to understand that there are means that you can use to 'control the damage'; social platforms got policies for this, schools too, there are tools to make sure you can delete unwanted pictures for ever.. But true.. educate your...
  2. menno

    what to do when your son / daughter made pictures they regret?...

    I am just wondering if anyone here got into the situation that their children made pictures (of themselves) that the regret and got published in public. What happened, what did you do and what do you advise? I got to this question when reading this website: <URL...
  3. menno

    My son is smoking marijuana?...

    Very bad advice. But a good way to start a fight, make your son feel like you are not 'on the same side' and encourage him to only smoke more and distrust everything you will do. And helping him to get his first offence. I started smoking marijuana when I was 13 (am 36 now). I finished...
  4. menno

    Strategies to teach multilingual children...

    my suggestion.. 'divide' languages. We speak english, russian, ukrainian and dutch at home. I am native Dutch and always address our son in dutch My girlfriend is Ukrainian and she always uses ukrainian to address him When we are with the three of us parents speak english together, but 'keep'...
  5. menno

    How much video game/tv time is OK for 7 yos?...

    TV is easy.. it helps me doing the stuff i need without needing to entertain our little boy at the same time. And sometimes this is really helpful. but i noticed that it can make (me) lazy too.. instead of putting my energy in my son i just let him watch tv. This is ok too, sometimes. But i...
  6. menno

    nintendo 3ds, HTC evo 3d will PERMANANTLY DAMAGE your childs vision....

    thank you for bringing this up..
  7. menno

    My kids are geniuses...

    my little boy (2.5) can say screws in three languages :) (russian, ukrainian, dutch)
  8. menno

    Gifting options?...

    GiftCards! but make sure it is a giftcard from a shop selling children stuff only.. i need to admit that i used a giftcard once for a little gift for ourselves ;)