Recent content by szerba74

  1. S

    hi mum of three looking for support and advice...

    Who has not been willing to diagnose them? There ped? Are they having these problems at school? What are the teachers saying. If they are having problems at school I would have the teachers write a letter to your Ped. and again try to get them diagnosed to get the help they need. If your...
  2. S

    hi mum of three looking for support and advice...

    Nice to meet you my name is Sherry and I'm also new here. What kind of issues are you having with disapining? Sherry
  3. S

    The Highly anxious child...

    Well, I've alway kind of known my child had issues. It started out with little lies and those lies continued. They were avoidence lies so he wouldn't get in trouble. He was a lot quieter then my other kids though very smart. I really thought or maybe it was just a hope of mine that he...
  4. S

    My introduction to the group...

    nice to meet you Jennifer. I know all about the Bi polar as I have on with Bi polar myself. One with asperger's and one with sever Axiety issues. I'm hoping to find some help here with some of the challenges I face as mom thanks for introducing yourself to me.
  5. S

    k12 program thoughts...

    Not that I honestly love public schools because I believe they have their problems but I've never been a fan of the idea of home schooling your child. I as a person never thought that I had the smarts or the patence to deal with home schooling and really do admire those out there that can do...
  6. S

    Should i be concerned about this ?...

    well I'm conserned. I think there is a time and place for some of these things. For instance if you want to joke around at home. I know kids say things at school and their peers say things at school that are uncontrolible. But, as a teacher it is their responsiblity to be abit above all the...
  7. S

    Whiter, brighter, smile....

    kinda un related but, in talking about baking soda my husband had heard it was good to help with heart burn. After taking a swig of it with water he decided it was just not worth the tast well. My kids wanting to try it because it looked like milk. also gaged at the taste. Now they all want...
  8. S

    Overplayed movies?...

    LOL I've had this happen with the cartoon Cars. We watched this movie over and over again when he was younger. He is now 6 and though we don't watch it as much everything he has is still cars related. Though he's now starting to be more involved with other stuff like Batman and such. It's a...
  9. S

    This scares the living daylights out of me......

    Now days facebook is very addictive I have 3 children with facebook accounts now and low and behold the one that uses it the most is my 15 year old daughter. Being social is a big part of being a teen now days. We have strict rules as well. Our kids know that in order to have a face book...
  10. S

    Mom of 2 Tweens joining the discussions...

    I'm new here as well looking forward to know you. I have teenagers in my house too. Fun / Trying times. Any questions feel free to ask.
  11. S

    My introduction to the group...

    My name is Sherry and I'm new here. I'm the mom of 5 children 1 15 year old girl a 14 year old boy 11 year old boy 9 year old boy and a 6 year old boy. We have many challeges in our house hold do to mental illness in the family and behavor issues in the kids that I would love to be able to...