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    Watch dog site...

    Mom-dar. That's cute. Anyway, I'm just merely stating that we loathe and fear these men and women because we see their faces on the internet. Sure, a lot of them commit the crime again. But, a substantial few go on to live productive lives. Unfortunately, they stories aren't told. We harp on...
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    Watch dog site...

    This will tick a lot of people off, but I don't support these sites. I believe they promote hatred and bigotry in that they are similar to witch hunts and those branded as such are rejected by society. The sites are supposed to protect our children by keeping the public informed, but we've gone...
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    At a loss - Daycare Dilemna...

    Thanks all. My biggest concern is how on earth is this guy getting my son to just sit there. As far as I know, not in a crib. If he's strapping my son in or poking him with needles as a form of "conditioning" then I may just go ballistic. No need in ringing up the authorities because there...
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    At a loss - Daycare Dilemna...

    I joined this forum for this reason: Recently, my son's mum rang me up to tell me that the daycare provider makes our son (a year this month) sit for 45 minutes to an hour. That's it. Just sit there. This is my first child and I everything I learn I get from Penelope Leach's Your Baby and...
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    too young to masturbate?...

    Gosh, if only my child's mum would react so positively. We have a son together, but she also has a 2yo daughter. if the 2yo even rubs her vagina to get at an itch, she's flipping out. i try to explain to her that it's natural, that it feels good to her daughter just as it feels good to her. I...