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  1. B

    Moving Tips - 2 yo and 4 month old...

    My family will be moving soon - about 6 hours away. We have two girls - a 2 year old and a 4 month old. Any tips on how best to do this as easy as possible. I think we will have at least one grandmother with us to help out some. We will be moving close by her as well. Any tips from anyone who...
  2. B

    Staph/OR Room...

    I have a bump on my leg that I'm afraid is turning into/already is a staph infection. My wife has a c-section schedule for next Thursday. This will be a "deal breaker" huh? They won't let me in the OR or around my newborn baby will they? I'm freaking out here.
  3. B

    No Dairy - Meal Ideas...

    I feel like my poor daughter is eating the same things over and over. She has not been diagnosed as lactose intolerant or with any sort of allergy or anything - we just know that she is extremely fussy when eating cheese or drinking regular milk and it totally messes up her sleep. So, we think...
  4. B

    Food Ideas?...

    I have a 1 year old - and am looking for other ideas for things to feed her. I know she can start on milk now, and we'll talk with our pediatrician next week and what to do with the formula/milk transition. She eats really well - I just feel like we give her the same things all the time...
  5. B

    Tired Dad - Overtired Baby...

    I need some help, advice - maybe just some time to vent! I've posted here before about sleep issues with my lo - she is about to turn one next week. Just to give you a quick run down on her status right now - she doesn't sleep through the night, wakes 1-2 times a night, can't put herself back...
  6. B

    2 Under 2!...

    My wife and I just found out she's pregnant and we're expecting our second child! Our daughter will turn 1 next month, and when the new LO arrives she'll be like 19 months old! Right now I'm a stay at home dad - one I was good with, I'm beginning to freak out a little with the thoughts of...
  7. B

    Sweets, Grandmothers, and First Birthday...

    First of all I hope everyone had a great Christmas! This was our first Christmas with our daughter and it was awesome. If you remember, I was also the one that posted about my mother? throwing a fit about how we were doing Christmas, etc., - things seemed to go okay. We got through it so...
  8. B

    Moving to Real (Table) Food...

    Some people are probably going to think it's crazy that our 10 month old is just now eating real food - but it's taken us a little bit to get her there. Maybe I'll find out she's not that "out of the loop". Looking for some tips/advice though - so far we've tried lots of things really -...
  9. B

    1st Christmas - Parents/In-Laws...

    So, this will be our first Christmas with our little girl and we have both sets of parents coming to our house for the festivities. To save on length/details, I'll just say that how my wife and I did things on Christmas eve/Christmas in regards to opening gifts, santa and all was different and...
  10. B

    Whiny 9 month old......

    It seems lately that's all she does - whine, fuss, cry - as best we can tell nothing is wrong. She recently went through a phase we thought she was teething - was snotty, rubbing at her gums, etc. - but no tooth. So, not sure if that is still some of it. We've tried giving her tylenol if we...
  11. B

    Sleep Issues...Again...

    I say again, because I'm sure it's a hot topic in any parenting forum - A little history - my daughter is 8 months old now, she was born only 1 week early, but was a little on the small side (5lbs 2oz) and was losing a little weight so we basically was treating her as a premmie and had to feed...
  12. B

    Intro - SAHD...

    Thought I'd introduce myself since I've been lurking a little here - my name is Brian, I'm 34, been married to my wife, Liz, for 11 years and we just had our first baby in February after many, many issues with infertility and miscarriage (that's a story for another day). Our little girl will be...