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  1. S

    I want to correct my mistakes...

    Happy mother's day everybody. I come here to post a final time at least for a few months. On April 29, 2012 my beloved Mei was taken from me. I knew this was going to happen a few days in advance, but nothing prepares you for this. The sadness I felt is a feeling I cannot put into words, but I...
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    I want to correct my mistakes...

    I am not quite sure of the circumstances of the project. I do not watch anime, but I would still like to help. Please do not hesitate in asking what you need to know. These are all painful experiences, but I will no longer run away from them. I will speak as much as you will listen. I will try...
  3. S

    I want to correct my mistakes...

    I do not know what to say to you. I can't meet with you. I have very little free time. All of my time is being spent with Mei and with the little free time I do have I am seeking advice and resting. I am not against you telling my story to others or using it for your project. If I can help at...
  4. S

    I want to correct my mistakes...

    I know this thread is dead and I do not mean to necro it, but I was told to update when necessary. Mei moved in with me on March 15th. This was with total consent from my parents in law and Mei. Things had been going well until three days ago. Mei has started getting fevers, she's been very sick...
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    I want to correct my mistakes...

    I never said or implied this. Well then here you go. I picked her up from school on Friday and finally got a chance to meet her teacher. Her teacher wasn't there the last time I picked her up. To my surprise, her teacher is actually an old friend of mine. It was nice to catch up with somebody...
  6. S

    I want to correct my mistakes...

    First of all, thank all of you for your kind words and insight. I cannot put into perspective how much it means to me. @parentastic My father was not a part of my life. When my mother died, I continued to live with him, but he was not there, he did not live. He was not a person while I lived...
  7. S

    I want to correct my mistakes...

    I'm sorry, I ignored half of your questions and I cannot find an edit feature. I think they know the kind of person I can be. When Christina first moved her, I was kind of a bum. I had no aspirations, but she changed me. When I was with her, I was at my best. They know how I am when I'm at my...
  8. S

    I want to correct my mistakes...

    I feel ungrateful. Like I did not give my child what the deserved. They expected me to be there for them, and that was my role as a father, but I didn't fulfil it. I am no better than my own father.
  9. S

    I want to correct my mistakes...

    I was born in Kyoto, Japan. Christina is originally from Colorado, but her family moved to Kyoto for work. Her family is of English/Italian descent, though her immediate family (My in-laws and herself) spoke fluent Japanese. Once her father was laid off, they decided to stay in Kyoto and opened...
  10. S

    I want to correct my mistakes...

    I hate updating you guys like this and could see how it would get annoying, but it's nice to feel like I'm talking to someone. I didn't say anything about this to them today. I'm meeting them again tomorrow for dinner, I might bring it up. My in-laws know me well. See, I come from a...
  11. S

    I want to correct my mistakes...

    Hey guys, I need your help. My name is Lyon, I'm 25 years old and I've made many mistakes over the last few years. Mistakes that are embedded deep within my heart and eat at me every second of every day. You see, 5 Years ago my daughter was born. Her name is Mei. My wife and I had wanted a child...
  12. S


    Exercise is the way to go, even simple breathing exercises are still exercises. Give it a go, maintaining your cool is a lot easier than most would think.
  13. S

    Parenting Confessions...

    I did not hear my daughter say she loved me until she was 5. I still choke up thinking about what a horrible father I've been.
  14. S

    Facebook timeline.....

    I can't stand it and I hate that they're forcing it onto everybody. It's too reliant on scrolling, it's just poor design.
  15. S

    Healthy snacks...

    Being that we're from Japan, most of our meals are Japanese. Usually very healthy, I was blessed to have a daughter who is not picky, although I've only started cooking for her recently. She loves rice and vegetables, so it's very easy for me.
  16. S

    My kids are geniuses...

    I can't even say screws in three languages and I'm 25.