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  1. Veronica Harris

    Coping with the death of a pet...

    Harsh... get the whole story first before judging the OP...
  2. Veronica Harris

    Connecting with Video Gamers in Your Family...

    Me and my husband are gamers ourselves, so it its a great bonding time for us to spend time together with our two boys just playing and all. It is fun when you relate to your kids in stuff you both enjoy doing.
  3. Veronica Harris

    Getting to know each other (again)...

    1. What were you doing 10 Years Ago? Ten years ago, I was just finishing college :) 2. What 5 things are on your to do list? Honestly I have daily routines and my kids occupies my daily schedule. 3, What are 5 snacks you enjoy? potato chips (home baked), ice cream. cookies, pickled plum and...
  4. Veronica Harris

    Moving tomorrow...

    Moving to another place is truly bittersweet, feeling sad for people you've learned to love dearly... at the same time the excitement of moving on and having a new place to call home.
  5. Veronica Harris

    Teaching our kids to stand up for others...

    I've always told my son to stand of for himself and constantly update me about bullies in school. He is a big brother now and I see how protective he is to his baby bro and I am proud of that. One time when I was picking him up from school her teacher told me that his classmates looks up to...
  6. Veronica Harris

    Update on Cameron...

    Aw.. I can't imagine going through the same thing.. You and your family will be in my prayers.. I hope you can get pass through this and Cameron getting back in a healthy condition soon.
  7. Veronica Harris

    Hello Everyone :)...

    Newbie here :) I'm a mom of 2 boys one is a pre-schooler and the other is a toddler. I hope to share insights and learn from others in this community.