‘Toddlers & Tiaras’ mom sues media outlets for ‘sexualizing’ her daughter...


Feb 3, 2012
<r>If anyone thinks they have problems, read this! PS: It will make you feel better about the way you raise your kids.<br/>
It seems the controversy surrounding TLC’s “Toddlers & Tiaras” and its pint-sized stars is never-ending.<br/>
After one contestant <URL url="</s>dressed as Julia Roberts in “Pretty Woman,”<e></e></URL> another, Isabella Barrett, was filmed singing LMFAO’s “Sexy and I Know It” at an event.<br/>
Barrett’s mother, Susanna, has since filed a lawsuit against TMZ, Huffington Post and Daily Mail Online, among other media outlets, for running stories that she alleges “sexualize” her 5-year-old daughter, according to court documents obtained by CNN.<br/>
“After this firestorm, I quickly protected my daughter by having cease and desist orders sent to most media outlets that ran the story,” Susanna said in a statement provided to CNN, adding, “I intend to clear my daughter’s name.”<br/>
Barrett also detailed her version of the events <URL url="</s>shown in a video published<e></e></URL> by TMZ. (In the video, Isabella can be seen singing along to “Sexy and I Know It” at a DJ booth with a microphone in her hand.)<br/>
News organizations reported that the Barrett’s were at a nightclub, however, Susanna said in her statement that she and her daughter were actually at “a pet friendly charity event at an American bistro restaurant in New York City at 7:19 p.m. It was a private well-lit event with vendor tables and pets in attendance.”</r>