12 Year Old - Old enough for her own internet/ipod touch/netbook?...


Junior Member
Dec 21, 2010
Im 27 and working but my little sister is 12. I came back to visit for holidays and she wants to buy an ipod touch with the money she saved up

Our parents think shes too young for this, just wanted to get opinion from the forums. Is 12 too young for her own laptop/free internet access?


PF Regular
Dec 18, 2010
It depends on her maturity. Both my kids were ready for internet access at 12/13ish, but they also knew how to be safe, never post pictures, use full names, give out personal information, etc. Also they had been playing online games and other websites with supervision for several years at that point. I know many teenagers my kid's age now or older who aren't mature enough to be online. Some of my nieces and nephews are examples of that. It really depends on your sister.

I never bought my kids touches, but they both got ipods for Christmas when my daughter was 10 and my son was almost 13. Both of those ipods are still going strong.

If she is buying the touch with her own money she will be more likely to take care of it, and if she isn't being responsible it's not that hard to take it away for a little while.


PF Fanatic
Nov 4, 2007
I faced this issue a few years back when a relative got my niece an iphone and i felt she was too young.
I have since revised that view but with a few caveats. I would set down clear rules depending on the family's view of what is suitable net surfing as to how the device may be used and reserve the right to look at messages. I would also make it crystal clear that if the phone is used improperly in any way adults reserve the right to take it away or sell it. Obviously this would be a last resort but as long as the kid fears that this might happen it can help.


PF Addict
Aug 9, 2010
St. John, VI
My son, 9.5, saved his money and bought an iPod touch. I haven't run into any trouble with him as of yet. He has access to our wireless network, but I have to put in a password in order for him to download anything.

Safety online is a long ongoing process. You actually have to WATCH them and GUIDE them when they are online. There are parental controls, but you have to know what you are doing better than they do if you want them to work right. I think kids should always be monitored when they are online and that parents should check out what kind of activities they are doing. You have to constantly remind them to not put any personal information out there.


Junior Member
Jan 12, 2011
I think 12 is old enough for her own netbook and internet connection but the time she is allowed to use it should be well regulated and most importantly you should have a good filter on your internet to filter out some of the dodgy sites. It can be quite easy to stumble upon them accidentally.


Junior Member
Feb 7, 2011
No. Those things can pull up ANYTHING on the internet. They DO have parental controls though. I'd become very familiar with them. also, buy it for YOU and tell your child that they can "USE" it as much as they want. That way, when you have to take it away, they will feel less entitled.