3-year-old baby!...


PF Regular
Feb 13, 2011
My daughter, Patty (who will be four in April and will be starting school in September) acts like a baby!

She doesn't talk properly, just baby-talk; she only eats baby food; only drinks from a sippy cup or bottle; breastfeeds; wears nappies; sleeps in a cot; is constantly sucking dummies.... I've tried to move her on, but she's stubborn, and refuses to do anything. She won't go out (even for a five-minute walk to the post-box) without her buggy, she can't go half-an-hour without breastmilk. I try to take them away and say that they're for little babies, like Polly, and if she is a little baby then she'll have to wear baby clothes and go to bed really early and lie around all day, like Polly, not playing with her big-girl toys. But it makes no effect.

She's also very clingy, she'll sit on my lap while I'm working and cling to me at the park. She always likes to be near me and to see me. She can't occupy herself, when I go out the room she screams or just follows me. As soon as she wakes up (sometimes at 6 in the morning!) she'll wake up and scream for me, waking not only me but the other girls. They normally have school and they get really ratty when they don't get enough sleep. She then stays with me for most of the day, and at night she stays clinging to me for ages, until she virtually is falling asleep in my arms. When she's more awake, she'll come into my bed with me.

Another thing, she hates going to nursery. It's very embarrassing: when we get to the nursery, little girls and boys of two or only just three toddle in without a backwards glance; but Patty clings to me and throws a tantrum, so much so that sometimes she makes herself sick. I know it can't be good for her, getting so worked up. I've tried saying "Look at all the other children. They're going in to have fun today. It won't be very long, then mommy will be back." But she does nothing. I dread to think what she'll be like at school!

I had no problem with my others, they wanted to become mature so I let them! I suppose I have been letting in to her far too much, letting her have all the baby things. I kinda want her to stay my baby, I don't want her to become a terror like my 7yo! But I know enough is enough. I keep giving in to her, and she knows when to make me crack. She likes all this babying, getting her own way, and she doesn't want to become more independent! Two is alright to be like a baby, three is quite cute, but I'm not having a four-year-old baby around the house!

I would like her to become more independent, as she is supposedly starting school in September, and I want to give more time to Polly to help her develop, as she tends to get overlooked.

Does anyone know how to help me on this one?? I know it's a lot, but it's one of my major issues. I need help!


PF Fiend
Feb 18, 2011
Did she revert to this sort of behavior when the baby came, or has she never developed beyond it? Does she have a lot of people doting on her, treating her like a baby?


Junior Member
Feb 21, 2011
that's a really good question...

I would suggest slowly taking the things away from her and not giving them back. she will eventually learn that she can't have them.


PF Regular
Feb 13, 2011
Well, when she was born, of course I gave her all the baby stuff. But then Polly was born when she was 2/3ish, and by this time she still wasn't as independant as Ally+Soph were. She had started to be weaned off the baby stuff, then the baby came, and yeah, I guess all we did was undone because I had to care for the baby. But she was still acting like a baby, not a toddler. She hadn't moved on much but the little that she had moved on was regressed.


Junior Member
Mar 18, 2011
It sound like she was jealouse when the baby came and thats why she started acting like this in the first place, but then you catered to her so she never had a reason to stop. If you want her to act like a big girl you must treat her like a big girl. That means no more breastmilk, no more diapers, no more buggy, no more pacifiers, and no more baby talk.

You simply must STOP giving her breastmilk, its cows milk, juice, water, or NOTHING. Don't worry if she refuses at first, eventally she will get thirsty enough and take what you give her (don't worry she won't hold out so long that she ends up in the hospital, she'll take cows milk by diner time). She'll try to get you to give her breastmilk the next day and the day after that, and probably periodically over the next few weeks but as long as you don't give it to her, she'll stop asking. As for the sippy cups take them away, if she knocks a regular cup over on purpose punish her. She has been bad and bad girls get punished.

You need to put her in big girl panties and just start potty training her. No matter what don't put her in diapers, try not to use pull ups unless its a long car ride or your going somewhere that you know you won't be able to get to a bathroom. I would suggest that you start this when you know your not going to leave the house for a few days, that way accedents will happen in the house and not out in public.

No more buggy rides, she's a big girl, she can walk, end of story.

Get her a big girl bed, no more cot. You also need to put her in that big girl bed at bedtime don't let her stay with you till she's falling asleep. If she gets out of bed put her right back not arguing with her just put her back to bed. This is a fight that could take 30mins or hours but as long as you don't give in you'll win. I would suggest you start this over the weekend when no one has to be up in the moring.

When you take her to day care you should give her a hug, a kiss, and say goodbye then just leave. Don't stop and try to comfort her, just leave. You HAVE to act like you leaving her there is no big deal. And when you come to pick her up don't make a big deal about you getting back you HAVE to act like this is an every day thing and she'll get a picture after the first few times. You should also up the number of days she spends in day care so that she becomes more comfortable without you. This will really help when she starts school. When at home don't let her sit in your lap make her sit in her own chair, on the floor, or even stand but not in your lap.

Starting tomorrow when she uses baby talk tell her ONCE that you can't understand her when she talks like that, and that you can only understand her when she talks like a big girl. Then ignore her until she talks right NO MATTER WHAT (baring an emergancy that is). Eventally she'll start talking right but she'll try to fall back on old habits, when that happens you ignore her until she talks right again

And last but not least. You must take away the pacifier(dummy) it is ruining her teeth! If you don't take them away she'll need braces at best when she's older, and don't let her suck on her thumb as a replacement, thats just as bad for her teeth.

All of these things will really help with her independance and confidence. This is all going to be the hardest thing you have ever done but no one ever said that being a mom was easy.


PF Regular
Feb 24, 2011
What fleur007 said was very true. I'll just add a bit.

Don't do it all at once- this will probably just confuse her.
With the sippy cups, dummies and nappies, prepare something like a baby fairy takes the baby stuff to little kids and make a big show of putting them in a bag and putting them in a special place (like your garden hanging in a tree or something). When the girls have gone to bed then swap the baby stuff for a big girl item, like a special cup; a toy and big girl pants (replacement for all three items).
With the baby talk, maybe after the 'baby fairy' has come then you could say 'That's baby talk and you are a big girl now, so you call it ________.'

However you MUST get rid of the baby stuff now or I don't know how you ever will!


Junior Member
Mar 18, 2011
Thats a great idea Mommylovesyou.
I saw something just like that on super nanny where she got the kids to put all the baby stuff in a chest and then replaced them while they were sleeping. It worked at really well on the show.


PF Regular
Feb 13, 2011
I've seen that Supernanny! Ages ago though.
I did that with the bottles and everything and things have been fine! Much smoother than I thought. She was a bit moany the first day but I occupied her doing lots of fun activities and by the third day she had forgotten about milk completely. Her speech is developing way better now and she is quite understandable. She has the occasional tantrum but overall her behavior is more like that of a nearly-four-year-old child!

Because she isn't relying on me to give her milk and to hold her all the time, she is looking forward to going to preschool and is now going every day of the week! After Easter she will be doing an induction to primary school. Without her at home I have a lot more time for my little baby, who is now ten months old exactly!

Thank you all for your help, it gave me the courage to stand up to my little girl!


Super Moderator
Feb 23, 2009
thanks for coming back and posting the epilogue! It's good to know how things come out.


PF Deity
Mar 20, 2008
That's really great to hear Mommy_emma! I love it when people have such good outcomes. :)


PF Fanatic
Aug 2, 2010
hows it all going along ?

Have you tackled anything else yet ? Buggies ? Cots ? Nappies ? Food & Drink ?

Let us know.


PF Fanatic
Feb 9, 2011
Nice, good job Emma! I'm glad you stuck in there and got things going in the right direction. It sounds like you're on the path to having a wonderful mature daughter.


PF Regular
Feb 13, 2011
Thought I would give you an update on how everything's going...

She no longer wants to ride in the buggy so now we have a single buggy for my youngest daughter, she has a thing on the back to stand on (it was DD2's but she grew out of it) but she wants to walk, run, jump or skip along next to me a lot now!

The food and drink issue is working out, she has a special Disney Princess plate, bowl, cup, table mat and cutlery set... which she adores! She also has a Disney Princess water bottle and lunchbox for preschool and some cute pink pots to put food in. She is now either using a water bottle or normal cup and she has found a love for strawberry milkshake (it's a treat though). She has also tried a lot of new food which helps me at mealtimes, not having to cook a billion different things.

She likes playing on her own now and will stay sensibly in her bed (yes, bed!) playing with her teddies if she wakes up early (we have a new clock that sings a song for a minute when it's time to get up) and she has frequently told me to "ssh, mummy, I'm playing on my own"! At the park she races away as soon as we get in the gate and goes and plays. She is also playing with her sisters more and they seem to like her more now she doesn't 'hog' me al the time and she comes and plays with them.

She also is a very eager beaver to go to nursery, basically as soon as we're out of the car she shoots up the steps and in the door, and I can hardly drag her away from her friends to say goodbye and give her her bag. She didn't seem to have many friends before but now she seems to have a big group of them, most of them are going to her primary school which is good.

She absolutely HATES nappies now, she now thinks they're for babies and gets cross when I pick them off the shelf for her little sister (I have to reassure her that they're not for her). She is now full-time wearing big girl pants and apart from the odd accident she's ok. She also has said bye bye to the dummies and bottles- I used your idea, mummylovesyou.

And finally, with the cot issue, she is now sleeping in a bed. With a Disney Princess duvet cover and cushions (she is going through a Disney Princess phase at the moment). We went shopping and bought her a new bed, it's a high sleeper bed with steps and a slide, and a little 'house' tent underneath. It has a turret and a tunnel and it's really nice. She plays on it a lot as well, she loves the slide!

All in all I'm very surprised with the income of this- I expected an annoyed, grumpy girl for a few weeks but I got the opposite. I'm so glad you all helped her become way more mature, independent and a happier girl! Thank you so much!

Now to deal with the others... :)