6.5mos old feeding schedule ideas...


Junior Member
Jun 4, 2008
My son has been eating solids 1x day since he was 5mos old. Pedi said to increase solids 2x a day but I'm not sure how to incorporate it into his day. currently eats 6oz bottles 5x day. I want to try to decrease that to 4x day also. Any ideas on a new schedule?? bottle is every 3hrs or so and he naps 3-4x a day still...awaketime is 2hrs.

6am-6oz bottle
930am-6oz bottle
1030am-stage 1 fruit or veggie and cereal
1ish-6oz bottle
4ish-6oz bottle
7-6oz bottle and bedtime

any input would be helpful. Thanks!!


PF Deity
Apr 9, 2007
When I introduced solids to my dd's schedule I just put it in front of her nursing. So like if I wanted to add breakfast, I would feed her some mashed food, then offer her the breast to nurse. Then continue the like.
I also don't like the idea of making a child eat more solids if they are not ready (not that your son is not)
But some docs will keep saying to increase solids, when in reality children only need breastmilk or formula till they are one. Solids befor eis just to get them used to eating and textures and such.
So if your son is not crying for more food yet, then he doens't need more. Just my opinion.

Nichole started solids at 5 1/2 months old. She had one meal a day till she was about 7 months old, then we added one more meal (then nurse after), she had 2 till she was about 10 months old, then we added the 3rd. By 12 months she was eating all 3 main meals and two snacks a day


Junior Member
Feb 4, 2008
I too pretty much did what Kaytee did. My son started solids at four months and what I would do is just when it was time for him to have him morning breast feeding session, I would first give him a few spoonfulls of solid foods and then offer him milk... this was around 8:00 - 8:30 after his morning nap. That way it established a routine. I did the same thing around say 6:00 in the evening so that was established as dinner time.

The key thing is establishing a routine and following a time schedule so your baby knows that solids are now part of the daily routine.

The other thing is following your baby's cues. When he is full, he will let you know by turning/arching away from the spoon, or now, like my son does, shut his lips so tight that you cannot pry them open with even a crowbar!!! That will be indication that he has had enough. Dont worry if there are some days that your baby eats a lot of food, and some days that your baby does not eat more than a couple of spoonfulls. Just stick with it and soon he will start looking forward to his solid food sessions :)

Hope all this helps...


Junior Member
Jul 1, 2008
Well I also recommend you to give food with the milk feed,some milk and then some food,the baby will accept it easily and as a result solid intake will also increase. Today only I posted regarding this on my blog Discover Parenting Do checkout,I hope this will help.



PF Regular
May 27, 2008
I would recommend a solid at around six-seven in the evening so that the tummy is full and sleep is good. Though after that i give her a six ounce bottle before bedtime. My schedule is:

8-9am-6oz bottle (when she wakes up)
10-11am-6oz bottle (after massage and bath- i am transitioning her to stage two milk once in a day at this time)
1pm-stage 1 fruit or veggie and cereal
4pm-6oz bottle
7-8 pm - farex or cereal
10-11 pm -6oz bottle

Hope this helps. I am just going to purchase a high chair so that she starts to learn to eat upright.