A dad, a reader and an idea......


Junior Member
Mar 16, 2012
Providence, RI
We have a little girl who can't get enough of books. We definitely encourage this and get a lot of books coming through our house. But we're surprised by how many of them are flat and unengaging (how do these even get published??). Some of them are downright boring.

So I wrote my own book. It's a different kind of children's book that explores story & music (definitely a new kind of story time!). Silly, noisy & rambunctious.

If you're the goofball parent to a little monster and love the idea of a more engaging, hands-on story book, then please jump right in and help to publish it! I'll send you the book & music! (and more, if you're feeling particularly generous!)

Check it out here: http://www.thegnoo.com

Thanks so much.
