A little advice......


Junior Member
Oct 13, 2009
Hi All,

I wasn't exactly sure of where to post this... so I'm posting it here. If it's in the wrong forum, please forgive me and I'll move it.

I'm in a little bit of a situation.

My husband has ADHD. When talking to his mother she had said that at one point he was on medication to help him focus better (his doctor said that "his thinking was off"). Well, after awhile of taking the medication, he took himself off of the medication because he didn't like the way it made him feel (this was a couple of years before we met). So, he wasn't on any kinds of medication when him and I dated, I just knew that he had ADHD and processed his thoughts slower. However, my husband is forgetful, he gets things mixed up (like events and how it happened), he's very moody, etc.

Well, I was talking with his mom again and she had said that he needed to be put back on medication, Stratera (sp?) to be exact. I've talked with him about it and he doesn't want to be put on medication because he "doesn't want to be a person that has to take pills".

However, we have a daughter (5 weeks) now. He needs to be able to focus more. His thoughts need to be in order, and he needs to be able to remember things.

I don't know. I'm not saying let's shove some pills down his throat because he has a problem and that's the only way to fix it!

No, I'm saying "what are my options to make the situation better?"

Should I try to convince him to try the Stratera (sp?) or what should I do?

All suggestions are welcome!
Thanks for all your help, guys.

16th ave.

PF Addict
Jan 4, 2009
East Texas
i'd suggest both of you go to talk to his doctor about an alternative medication and ask about things such as diet changes and other life style changes that can help since your husband does not like how the drug he was using makes him feel.
webmd has a link if you'd like to read about it some.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in Adults - WebMD

this list is organizations that you might want to look at.
ADHD Organizations