Art and Adventure on the Carmarthen Coast


New member
Oct 31, 2023
Tim Baynes shares glimpses into his creative process and discoveries in Wales through his artwork blog. In May, he reflected on his first year studying Fine Art alongside trips of local exploration eco friendly tea packaging.

Evaluating the Year Through Art
As the academic year drew to a close, Tim reflected on standout moments like tutorials in oil painting and printmaking. He posted works resonating from these sessions, applying new techniques to his practice.

The impending results and feedback offered a chance to "take stock" of growth. Tim gains valuable insights from dedicated tutors, absorbing knowledge to refine his skills.

Foraging for Flavor
With warm weather came the emergence of wild garlic leaves along coastal paths. Tim collected bundles to make pesto, appreciating their medicinal properties and garlic aroma. He reminded readers of lookalike poisonous plants to avoid accidental foraging mistakes.

Sustainable Eco Friendly Tea Packaging for Artisanal Tea
Small tea producers seek eco friendly tea packaging options to ship leaves while maintaining quality. Tim explored alternatives like compostable tea bags and mailers constructed from renewable resources.

Below are leading manufacturers of such solutions:

TrioworldPLA (Polylactic Acid)Home/Industrial Compostable
SmartpodBagasse (Sugarcane Byproduct)Home/Industrial Compostable
EcoEncloserBagasse, BambooHome/Industrial Compostable
Exploring Carmarthen Townscapes
Tim ventured out photographing five visually engaging yet oft-overlooked places around Carmarthen, from industrial zones to hospital grounds. He appreciated their character through an artist's eye.

Through journaling travel and technique, Tim nurtures curiosity, creativity and care for the environment. His blog shares passions for both art and responsible small businesses.

By supporting local artisans prioritizing sustainability, readers can participate in positive change through everyday choices.