Being Tested!...


PF Enthusiast
Feb 23, 2012
Hence, my name. I'm the parent of a 15 year old daughter; need I say more?

This is me most days: :arghh:<EMOJI seq="1f622">:cry:</EMOJI><EMOJI seq="1f620">:angry:</EMOJI>

Tell me this will get better!


PF Enthusiast
Feb 20, 2012
it will eventually get better. 15 seems to be that age where everything is insane. after like 16 it slowly starts to reset. i kept telling my sister (who was a very disrespectfull, just horrible person) that when she turned 18 i was going to beat the daylights out of her for all of the disrespect and rudeness that my mother should have beaten her for all along (mind you i dont even spank my kids let alone condone beatings aggain you would have had to know her) well ill tell you what, when she was 17.5 her attitude quickly changed. personally i like to believe that she knew what was coming and that if she changed her attitude then she would avoid an @$$ kicking, but she finally reached a point where she realized just how messed up she was being. when that happened everything changed. on her 18th birthday i took her out instead. not that i still wouldnt like to get her back for the 9 years of crap that she put my family through but she seems to have really changed for the better.
hang in there. it will get better. you know what you can try? make her get involved with a church group. no one in my family is religious but my sister got into one and it changed everything.


PF Enthusiast
Feb 23, 2012
mom2many said:
Eventually it will...

Welcome aboard! I am Jennifer a SAHM to 8. My oldest is 20 and my youngest is 2.
Hi, Mom2many! You do have a lot of kids! I'm an older Mom. I have a younger son as well as the 15 year old daughter.

I love my kids so much, but this time is really, really tough. Thanks for the welcome!


PF Enthusiast
Feb 23, 2012
momtoallkids said:
it will eventually get better. 15 seems to be that age where everything is insane. after like 16 it slowly starts to reset. i kept telling my sister (who was a very disrespectfull, just horrible person) that when she turned 18 i was going to beat the daylights out of her for all of the disrespect and rudeness that my mother should have beaten her for all along (mind you i dont even spank my kids let alone condone beatings aggain you would have had to know her) well ill tell you what, when she was 17.5 her attitude quickly changed. personally i like to believe that she knew what was coming and that if she changed her attitude then she would avoid an @$$ kicking, but she finally reached a point where she realized just how messed up she was being. when that happened everything changed. on her 18th birthday i took her out instead. not that i still wouldnt like to get her back for the 9 years of crap that she put my family through but she seems to have really changed for the better.
hang in there. it will get better. you know what you can try? make her get involved with a church group. no one in my family is religious but my sister got into one and it changed everything.
Well, that's encouraging that no matter how bad it seems, it might get better with age. I'm desperately searching for a church with a good youth group - or even just some teens at all! We had a great church for many years - closed its doors after the pastor left. We had another great church for 10 years, when the kids were young, but that one eventually closed as well! Seriously! We are visiting now, have always been believers and hang on to the Lord for dear life. Our son found a great middle school group but our daughter didn't connect or like the teen group at all.

Sigh. I'm praying for this, really.


PF Enthusiast
Feb 20, 2012
volinteer work might help too. like at a soup kitchen or rec center. then she would see that she doesnt have it so bad after all. another option could be to find out what issues she is passionate about and get her into fighting for that cause. for example my sister was and still is extreamly involved in the local glbt group. she was even on the new mayors campeign commitee and mow that he is mayor still works for him. (i know it sounds weird given her being christain and all. i even asked her about it) sometimes helping others can change a kids attitude too.