Blurred vision? Migraine auras?...


PF Fanatic
Mar 28, 2008
Had anybody ever gotten up and had blurred vision in one eye? It happened to me 2x today, so I followed WebMDs recommendation to go to the doc.

The nurse it talking CAT scans and all that, saying I couldn't get one until tomorrow and I am thinking ah, crap!

Doc comes in, has me do a few little things, then tells me that it's some kind of migraine aura. hmm. I don't get migraines (thank God!), but he said that sometimes stress can create a problem (gee- I know NOTHING about that right now!). That I may not get the actual headache, but some of the other symptoms. hmmm. who knew?

I am just immensely glad that is ALL it is! (and hoping, of course that he hasn't made some kind of mistake).

except he says I am to get a lot of sleep - and I agreed to be an emergency 3rd shift fill-in for 2 more days - I have to leave in about an hour, and I only got 3 hours of sleep after last nights shift... which I didn't know I was doing until a few hours before, so I didn't even get to stockpile some REM-time. ah well. Here's hoping the boys don't have a crisis tonight.

what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?


PF Visionary
Dec 4, 2007
I had really bad migraines in early adult life because of my birth control. They were horrible.

I can get them again if I am totally stressed.

You can also be checked for diabetes, it can cause headaches, massive thirst and constant bathroom breaks.

Talk to your Dr about taking Klonopin or xanax so that you may fall into a deep sleep.

You can also try caffiene to get rid of your migraines. Sex can also relieve headaches.

There is a great medication out there that opens the vessels in the back of your neck and your migraine will go away fast. I can't remember the name of it sorry.
Next time try putting ice on the back of your neck and take a Motrin (anti inflamatory and a muscle relaxer if you have them)

If you are on birth control you need to tell your Dr, you may need to switch.
Hope you feel better soon.