Christmas Presents!...


Junior Member
Dec 6, 2012
Hello everyone, first time poster here!

I currently have my santa hat on and scavenging through shops and the internet to find original/cool (in kids eyes)/quirky little gifts for toddlers, does anyone have any good ideas for this xmas?


Super Moderator
Oct 20, 2008
Well the three year old. You can probably just drag anything off the shelf that is not Clothes and they will be OK with that. At some point I had to make a plea with the Grandparents Uncles ect... Not to just buy stuff for the sake of buying stuff. That we already have such an obscene amount of "Stuff" that it just make keeping house more and more difficult.

For both kids I would pay more attention to quality and durability than quantity. I try very very hard to make my gifts thoughtful. The three year old will probably disregard many gifts in very short order.

If you get durable items you can resale them and not just be out a chunk of money for nothing. My experience is that books are some of the best investments at the "learning to read" stages.

For both kids marketers are bombarding you. I would advise you to systematically talk yourself out of things deliberately. For example. Do you really have enough room indoors for a tent? (you might) Do you have ceiling fans that are on a lot and could knock out a 20$ flying toy in seconds. Or worse be destroyed themselves. Is your yard big enough for some of the outdoor toys or are you prepared to transport these items in order to use them?

For the older kid. This is an age when his interests are emerging. If he or she likes rocks: planets:train's ect. Its an opportunity to encourage those things. A display area. or a real item of interest. 5 is an age where they can get an item that would stand the test of time. Another cool thing about 5 is that you can easily find things that you can enjoy together. So if you can find some stuff that is fun for both of you.

I know for both the 3 and 5 year olds. Its a magical time. And its especially fun for us parents. But a lot of that super exciting stuff advertised is junk. That will end up in the bin before the weekend is over. And I am not recommending taking the fun out of the gift giving. Just a little moderation.

We had to "snap the reigns" on family about buying a ton of crap. Now they get the kids a couple of items and then a saving bond or something like that.


Junior Member
Dec 6, 2012
Three and Five, but I already bought the gifts! I got some excellent ideas from the sites I posted above.

P.s yes I did get the VW kids tent!