Cord Blood Banking - Ensure your Baby’s future...


Sep 29, 2009
<t>Giving birth to a baby and ensuring his/her protection is the dream of every parent. Babies are the blessings for today and promises for the days to come! Their body is the most sensitive, delicate and susceptible form which can be easily be harmed if not taken care of. In order to keep your baby healthy, you need to offer healthy diet, sleep, exercise and regular checkups by some health expert. <br/>
Some parents also ensure their baby’s future by taking a decision to bank their baby’s cord blood at the time of delivery. They do consider the possibility that a serious illness might someday affect their child- and preserve their cord blood which can help in recovery if any accident happens in the future. <br/>
Cord blood is the placenta released from the mother’s body after the baby is delivered. Placenta is the temporary organ that transferred oxygen and nutrients to the baby while in the mother’s uterus.</t>