Could use a little insight - coming from a 21 year old....


Junior Member
Jan 1, 2009
Hi everyone. My name is Mark and I'm from Connecticut.

edit: Wow, this is long. If you've got the time, please take chance to read this.

I would like some advice from a few parents here, if possible. I do appreciate your time viewing this thread. I wasn't sure where else I could ask for such advice, but I figured a forum geared towards parents would be a good start.

I'm 21 years old, and a sophomore in college (I'll get to that later). I have a wonderful relationship with my father, and an odd relationship with my mother.

Here's a little background information. My parents divorced when I was 5.
My father owns a company around here and is a pretty laid-back guy. My mother, not so much. I feel as though she is a bit overprotective/struggling with the fact that I'm trying to be as independent as I can (considering I'm 21).

Things have to be perfect for her. Everything. Her job, house, car (new luxury car she really shouldn't have bought), her children, her status.

It mostly started back in high school. I was never a so-called great student, mostly C's and B's. That was okay with me. That was not okay with her. She wanted me to do better (I didn't understand why at the time, of course :p ). She has to be in control.

She wanted my brother (twin) and I to go to ivy league schools, and come out making huge money, something of the sort. But that's just not me. When she found out that my brother and I chose in-state schools (a local university for him and a vocational school for me), she went berzerk. We're too smart for that. People that go to those schools are stupid. I've always been a "tinkerer," and wanted to become a mechanic. And I did. I did my two years at the trade school and left with an associates degree. I got a few of my certifications shortly after I graduated school (hard to do, most auto technicians have years in the field before they take their certification tests). I was proud, my dad was proud. My mother was not. She doesn't want to associate herself with blue-collar people. She's smarter than them.

I moved out of the house shortly after getting my degree. I lived with a few of my friends a couple miles away from the house. I paid my own car insurance, rent, bills, et cetera. I did not ask for anything. I was independent as could be at the time. Fast forward a year, I decide to go back to school. I enrolled at a local college to work towards a teaching degree. I picked a local school because I like the area, and I like to be near home. The school was not good enough for her, but she was happy that I was going to eventually emerge from blue-collar society.

Please, please don't get me wrong. I am extremely appreciative of my parents that they are paying for my schooling. I may not have gone to college at all if they didn't.

Now, my mother tries to keep me thinking how much she needs to be in control. I saved money all summer to buy a new car. My 200-thousand mile Toyota was rusting to pieces (all previous cars/repairs were paid for by me). I found a decent one and she surprised me by telling me that she'd help pitch in for it. I thought, cool! The cost of the car was $5300 after taxes. She helped with $2000. Again, I am extremely appreciative of her helping me out. It ended up needing a quite a bit of work which I paid for and did myself.

However, she likes to use this against me, which she does rather frequently. It had just stopped snowing, the roads were plowed, and I had decided to go to a friend's house to go sledding. She didn't want to let me because: "You're not going to go out and ruin the car I just bought you." Key words in bold. She paid 2/5 of it. Again, I understand her concern, however she likes to use things like this against me. The car is in my name, I pay it's insurance, and

Another recent situation.

She works in the photography industry and does quite well. Sometimes at photo shoots, if say clothes are being photographed, they will be given to the photographer because they can't be sold after a model has worn them, for whatever reason. She goes to work, brings home a jacket for me. Again, I see it somehow going against me, but I accept because it's free.

Now, since I work in a greasy/dirty environment, I don't bring said jacket to work for fear of it getting dirty. I wear my work sweatshirt. It's cold outside, I'm 21, that's okay, I'll deal with it. Never been much of a complainer. I thought I brought it to work with me, however it turned out I left it at my father's house, 20 minutes away.

I come home from work, she asks me where it is. I told her it was probably in the back of my car. "Probably?!" she storms out of the house and starts tearing apart my car. It wasn't there. She went berzerk, yelling and screaming because "That's not a F***ing jacket to lose. It's f***ing ten degrees outside!". I call my father, it's at his house. She doesn't believe me. "Get your father on the phone." I told her to call him herself if she didn't believe me. She did. Mood instantly changes from anger to contentness as if nothing happened. This frustrates me to no end, but I say nothing.

All that over a jacket.

This past Christmas (she likes to go heavy on the presents too, again, to show the "need") she asked me what I wanted. I asked for floor mats for my car. I got a Mac book laptop. Pretty cool, and I am very grateful for my parents to spend that kind of money on me. But again, it's one of those things. She threatens to take it away from me if I do "poorly" in school (get a C). I'm 21. I'm a man.

As I re-read this I realize how ego-centric this sounds. However please take into consideration that I am a very passive person and do not like to argue. She has an extremely short fuse and I rarely answer back because she will hold it against me for months. My brother moved out of her house in sophomore year of high school because he couldn't take it. They reconciled about a year later and he moved back in.

Now, I'm not saying I'm a saint but I am a good person. I call her when I get home from work. I wake her up if I come home late, to let her know I'm home. I tell her I love her, my grades in college have improved substantially from what I got in high school. I help out around the house quite often. I don't get in trouble, I don't cause mischief.

My first "real" girlfriend didn't meet my mom until 6 months into our relationship. When I reluctantly brought her to my mother's house, things are fine, but after we left, I found out that she wasn't good enough for me. Whatever that means (because she comes from a poor family maybe? She's in pre-med school, paid her own way there...).

I am terrified of bringing friends over the house, let alone a girl I'm seeing. Her moods can go from excitement to absolute red-eye rage in the drop of a hat. By rage, I mean throwing things around the house, breaking things, using words I've never even heard of (it can be as simple as a website not working for her, seriously). Nobody wants to hear stomping/pouting/things being thrown around while we're just trying to watch a movie.

Okay, that's it in a nutshell. She subtly told me once that she was taking medication for a disorder she has (I *think* she said passive-aggressiveness), but that was years ago.

I don't like things how they are. Again, please remember, I do realize that I could have far worse parents but I feel that it's very difficult to tend to my mother's needs. I appreciate the fact that my parents are splitting my college tuition they spent 18 years saving for.

She does not talk to her family and does not have many friends. She has me, my brother (when we're home), and her cat. She is single and hasn't been on a date (to my knowledge) since she divorced my stepdad in 2002.

I feel bad for her, but I feel that what makes her successful as a businesswoman (she does well) makes her hard to deal with out of work.
I had a discussion with my father about it recently and he agrees with me on just about all of my terms.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, everyone, and Happy New Year!



PF Visionary
May 16, 2008
Cleveland, OH
Well, I'm certainly no counselor, but my mom and step dad both are. You mentioned that she said something about "Passive Agressive" disorder. These are associated with Personality Disorders...generally, these don't go away but can be controlled with medication. It sounds to me that your mom needs some help. Again, I'm not a counselor...I'm just going by conversations I've had with my parents.

Secondly, it seems to me that your mom has been successful in her career and wants to make sure that you are too. I would take 2 guesses about your mom w/o you telling me: 1 is that she grew up very well off with money. 2 would be that she grew up very poor. Either way could cause her to her wanting to make sure that you are successful to either match the lifestyle that she grew up with or to stay away from the lifestyle that you grew up with.

It seems that you have done well for yourself. The mechancial career that you have chosen (and the teaching that you are pursuing) are both noble careers that can lead to good lifestyles if you stick with it. Be proud of yourself and stick up for yourself with the choices you've made. It's your life, not your moms. On the same token, is it possible for you to move out of mom's house? The fact that you've allowed her to put a roof over your head and assist with the purchase of your car gives her leverage to hold over you. I know about being 21 and in're probably pretty poor right now (don't worry, it'll get better). However, the more you allow her to do for you, the more "control" she has. Food for thought... :)

I hope I was able to help some...good luck bud.


PF Deity
Mar 20, 2008
WOW it's SERIOUSLY SCARY because I think we somehow have the same mom and yet do not know each other haha. I mean you described my biological mom. I'm thinking - does this guy know me? I'm 21 too, and I'll have to tell you I've been through literally everything you're describing. I'm trying to get over the creepiness of your description. Not a single thing you said would not apply to my biomom, and my relationship with her.

No one was ever good enough for her, or me. She spent all kinds of money on things that I never asked for and then used these things against me to control me (same thing with the car, even). Or after christmas, the minute I said something she didn't like the first thing I'd hear would be something along the lines of "And I just spent so much money on you for christmas!" she would even call me spoiled. Haha... let me tell you, I am not spoiled. She's just an everyday person, yet she talks and acts like she's in a class all her own, above everyone else. She was raised in a family with a lot of money, so she still has this mental image that she's the fancy rich lady and "how dare you talk to me like that" and everyone was ridiculous and teehee funny if they thought she was wrong or they had the idea they were intelligent compared to her. (the funny part was that she wasn't... THAT smart).

She was crazy obsessed with me getting perfect grades, always punishing me to the most extreme should I get a B or under (which I did a lot, I was smart but unmotivated and just average really). I was always "too smart to get a B". I wanted to be a vet assistant, at a career school. I went there, I got approved and everything. But she harassed me and talked down to me about it all the time, saying I would never survive unless I went to college for like six freakin years. I didn't want to. She eventually convinced me. I didn't get into any of the three colleges I applied for. I couldn't go to school that year because of her. She ruined it for me because nothing was good enough for her.

She would even find the stupidest things to get mad about, and freak out in the most abnormal way. You just want to look at her and be like - "what?!". Comes complete with pouting like a child and throwing things around and swearing a lot and having tantrums. She is very child-like. It's very hard to make her happy, and even harder to keep her happy. Impossible, really. She'd rather be mad than happy with you. She likes something to complain about. As long as the attention is on her as the victim that only tries to do things for people and then gets treated like dirt, she seems to be content.

Then I got pregnant. You KNOW that wasn't good for her, her reputation, or her expectations of me. She told me to get an abortion once she found out (I hid it from her).

But you know what I did? I said "F*** you, I'm out." And I left. The only way to stop her from acting like she's in control, is to take the control away. My life isn't easy, not living with my mom like I could be and having her pay for stuff instead of doing it all myself when I have next to nothing, but I have a much healthier life. I am so much happier. She never talks to me in a way that I don't like, because as far as I'm concerned I don't need her, and I'll hang up on her and never call her back faster than you she can apologize. I don't put up with people treating me like crap, I don't care if she gave birth to me. I'm a human being and a grown up and deserve to be treated with as much respect even as my mother.

It's hard but you either have to deal with it, or cut it off. You are an ADULT. You don't have to put up with that. You don't even have to see her, if you don't want to. And she needs to figure that out. The only way to stop her from controlling you is to take the control away from her. Either that or you'll just have to deal with it, because trust me she's never going to change. The only way things at home are going to be the way you like them is to have your OWN home. Otherwise, oh well. You'll just have to deal with it until you move out. It's her house.

The sooner you become completely independent from her, the sooner things will get better for you. Until then, nothing will change. People are who they are, they really don't change and you certainly can't change them. My biomom's got issues that I can't cope with, and so does yours. It's not healthy and you can't let people do that to you. I could certainly use financial help or someone paying my bills or rent or buying my crap, but I never accept anything from her. She uses stuff like that to control me. But being away from each other, I think we get along much better.

So it's all up to you, in the long run. I feel for you, trust me. It will not be easy, so good luck to you. :)


Junior Member
Jan 1, 2009
Dadu - theoretically I could move in with my dad, but my mom is closer to my school (commute) and work. But it is possible. Maybe I'll just have to do that.

I'd move out on my own again, but making $14/hr part time doesnt quite pay rent up here. I can't even take night classes, because the program I'm in at school has only 8 students and classes are all mid-day. Real crappy situation. Hoping to save some a few grand over the summer so I can live off that next school year -- somewhere else.

Xero - Do we have the same mom?! Holycrap. What you just said is my mom, to the T.

The whole laptop thing: forgot to mention, I have a one year old Toshiba laptop that works absolutely fine, but she thought "I needed a Mac". That's just her way of being controlling.

My dad, on the other hand... I don't think I've argued with him in years.


PF Deity
Mar 20, 2008
lol I'm not sure how this is relevent but I wanted to quickly mention that I also have a one year old Toshiba laptop. Oh man.

I've never met my biodad, so yeah not much there to talk about. :D


PF Fanatic
Nov 4, 2007
Id consider moving in with dad. I would also as hard as it is especially when you are a starving student, refuse to accept expensive gifts. This way you are your own man


PF Enthusiast
May 1, 2007
Wherever you are, mom is always going to try to give you the guilt trip. It seems as if she needs you to be successful in her terms to show her friends how well she did with you. That's how I see the controlling part of it. I don't recall you mentioning her having any friends - so that's a guess. Good luck, I'm sure it isn't easy. Remember, anything you do isn't going to change her.