Custody Battle Update...


PF Fanatic
Mar 28, 2008
I'm sure all were dying for an update of the mess I call a life!
Had our final court date the other day. Mr Wonderful started in with all of the usual bizarre lies and I just sunk in my chair, thinking this judge was going to buy into his BS as everybody else has...
So after his testimony, the judge had a few questions. He said, "From your testimony, am I to beleive that it's all the mother's fault and you have nothing to do with any of this?" Mr wonderful said "Intially, no, but I think I have tried really hard to blah, blah blah." Judge says, in your testimony, you said you sometimes use salt and pepper language. I have an email here where you wrote 'you're not even fit to parent a dog, much less a child,' you say 'fuck you' 4 times and call her a 'sick fucking liar' 3 times (side note: all the things he was claiming were lies were actually 100% accurate)... I could go on, but this is what you call "salt and pepper language?"
Mr wonderful: "yes."
Judge "I think this is more than just "salt and pepper language. I think this is much more than salt and pepper language."
Mr wonderful "but she emails me..."
Judge (interrupting) "and I have her emails" (none of which abusive diatribes)

It was a wonderful moment to see that for once, SOMEBODY wasn't buying into his shit. Mr wonderful also shot himself in teh foot, I think. After raving about how wonderful Ry is (one of the few things he's capable of being honest about), my attorney asked him if I didn't have something to do with that, as I am the primary caregiver. Mr Wonderful went on and on about science and that much of behavior is genetic and that Ry inherited these good behaviors from him, blah, blah blah, all while engaging in repeated attacks about my family (of course leaving out that his 35 y-o brother is a drug addict and that his parents don't even associate with their siblings because they are, according to him "scum." Please.
While nature is relevant, the environment is also a huge factor. Not to mention what this guy does for a living. He goes around helping families alter their children's environment to improve behavior - yet he can't even acknowledge taht I had anything to do with how Rylan turned out (also on a funny note, one of his complaints to the custody evaluator is that _I_ belittle his parenting. Too funny. But it is just awesome to me that he's so dumb that he'll sit here making that kind of ridiculous rant KNOWING that the judge knows what he does for a living, and that very profession indicates that he doesn't really beleive what he was spouting.
So, that kind of stuff is definately in my favor. Now we just have to see how much of his BS the judge did buy into (god, you wouldn't beleive the lies. I could catch him in some (probably most) of them, but my attorney says that deluging the judge with paper to contradict all of them would be counterproductive, so she chose a few to focus on a few. Teh attorneys have to file a report by next Friday and then the judge will make his decision.

most interesting to me though, is I mentioned that I had secretly taped meetings with our pareting coordinator, because they were so one-sided and I wanted to be able to demonstrate that. I also said that I was contemplaing filing a formal complaint with the state licensing board with regard to it. So I got a call yesterday from my attorney saying there is a status hearing Monday, because his attorney subpeonaed my tapes. My attorney said the tapes would not leave my attorney's possession, but taht I should meet her at court Monday AM... what possible reason would there be for her to subpeona those? I'm glad to hand them over, but why would be want proof of her clients harassing comments and that the PC committed direct perjury (in his favor) at least 3 times? It's in her best interest NOT to know those things. I am wondering if she simply thinks I was lying about their existance and that she's going to catch me in that lie (so sorry if that's what she thinks)? Any thoughts as to why she might want those?