

Jun 21, 2012
bssage said:
Originally Posted by tadamsmar
I'd ignore the disrespect
That is something I wont ignore. But more to the point I need him to understand just because he is mad, Or doesn't like something. That these emotions do not exclude him from acceptable behavior standards. I think that gets a lot of people in trouble (both adults and children) that when things are not going their way the gloves are off and rules do not apply. Also I don't want him to believe that there are acceptable reasons for him to be disrespectful of his mom or grandparents when I am not around.
You are way over thinking this stuff. Just ignore it and praise the opposite for 2 weeks and it will go away for all practical purposes, and you will have no need to noodle about it anymore. It's easy. Just try it. The argument for it is that it works, but I can't really make that argument in a post. The <I>Incredible Years</I> training manual has a chapter entitled "Ignore". <I>Incredible Years</I> is used by the Duke Endowment and recommended by the US Department of Justice for parent training because it's proven to work even for hard cases.

I am talking about disrespect to you. For disrespect to grandparents, you might need to spell out some consequence, depends on the details.

If you feel the need to knee-jerk react to kids' behavior, get in the habit of doing that for good behavior, behavior that you want.
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