Feingold Diet...


PF Addict
Aug 9, 2010
St. John, VI
Anyone know anything about it? I've read a lot, it all is making perfect sense to me, but was wondering if anyone has heard of it, knows anyone who is on it, has any personal input at all. It's used a lot for kids/adults with ADD/ADHD and other behavioral issues. I'm sure everyone can google it, but the gist of it is it eliminates known 'trigger' food additives and some natural foods that contain high levels of natural chemicals on the no no list. I am seriously thinking of giving this a shot. It would be a big undertaking considering all of the dietary restrictions my family already has, but I am willing to try anything to help my oldest son out. He had food allergies as a kid that resulted in hives. So I don't think it is too far fetched to say that he still has them, but they affect him in ways that we can't see with our eyes.