Giving Birth? Driving in the breakdown lane? That's a ticket....


PF Fiend
Oct 8, 2008
<r><URL url="</s>Mass. man ticketed in gridlock while wife in labor<e></e></URL><br/>

</s>BOSTON (AP) — A man in Massachusetts is appealing a $100 ticket he got for driving to a hospital in the breakdown lane of a gridlocked Boston highway while his wife was in labor.<br/>
The Boston Globe reports that a state trooper pulled over John Davis and his wife Jennifer for using the breakdown lane on Nov. 18.<br/>
The Dracut man says his wife's contractions were three minutes apart. The couple says the trooper made them wait five to 10 minutes while he wrote a ticket for another car on Route 2, asked to see Jennifer's belly to prove her pregnancy, then issued them a ticket.<br/>
The couple made it to Mount Auburn Hospital in Cambridge. Their daughter was born five hours later.<br/>
State police say no discipline is likely for the trooper.<e>

<URL url="</s>Here's another with more detail<e></e></URL>. Apparently they passed two other troopers that let them pass without hesitation once they learned she was in labor.<br/>
No dicipline for the trooper? Another story I read says that he's not being diciplined because he made a judgement call and that the couple isn't going to take action against this nimrod. <br/>
The trooper is VERY lucky I'm not his supervisor. That kind of authority combined with lack of judgement doesn't belong anywhere near the public.<br/>
There are a whole host of reasons this was a TERRIBLE call. What if there had been complications? What if there had been complications that could have been taken care of if she could have gotten medical attention in a timely fashion? Heck, what if she had simply given birth right there on the side of the road? <br/>
If something like this were to happen to me while I drive my wife to the hospital... well, I'm not a litigious person by nature, but if the police department felt they needed to get wrapped up in the delivery, they would certainly help pay for the upbringing. &lt;E&gt;<EMOJI seq="1f620">:angry:</EMOJI>&lt;/E&gt;&lt;/r&gt;


PF Visionary
May 16, 2008
Cleveland, OH
That cop needs to be disciplined. That's nothing more than him throwing his weight around because he wears a badge. Grrrrrr!


Super Moderator
Jul 3, 2008
melba, Idaho
That would have pee'ved me. My second DD was born at home on the couch, but had my husband gotten home in time to take me to my dr's appointment I would have had her on the side of the road, that's how fast it was. And a cop issuing a ticket instead of helping would have sent me into an uproar.


Junior Member
Dec 22, 2008
Indianapolis, IN
If a cop would have stopped my fiance while I was giving birth in the back seat, I would tear him/her apart...Unless they are planning to help us get there or help deliver they better not try write a ticket or hold us...Of all the times we rushed to the hospital with pre-term labor, we were never pulled over thankfully. That cop needs to be disciplined, he should have to pay the ticket and then some...