Grades!!! part 2...


PF Addict
Aug 19, 2008
F.I., Florida
I wanted to tell you how the parent/teacher conference meeting went but I didn't want to post it out in the open just in case the teacher is surfing the net one day...I know I sound paranoid but I'd rather be safe than sorry.

Now, as you read this keep in mind that this teacher has had several complaints against her. She is known to be mean and cranky according to the kids. Billy likes english. He's good at it. He says she's mean, but Amber and I have never said anything because "mean" isn't exactly grounds for the wrath of mama and daddy.)

Here in the good ole sunshine state, some nut job came up with the idea of half days. Rather than paying our awesome teachers more money...they decided to give them more planning time in the form of a half day. On these days (which occur on average 2 times per month) our little children get out of school 2 hours early to give the teachers more planning time.
It just messes up their whole schedule.

This past Wednesday (Nov. 3) was a dreaded half day. When Billy gets home he says "I had to talk to Mrs. Principal today".

This statement caused me to come to a screeching half. "Why was that buddy?". As my mind races through all the possible things the little stinker may have done to deserve this "talk" with said Mrs. Principal.

As you already know, Billy and 2 other boys have been getting IN TROUBLE ALL YEAR because they are late to English on half days. (Because he has to check his BG)

Billy has PE before English. He leaves PE at 10:10 and goes straight to the nurse for his am check. He does this E.V.E.R.Y.D.A.Y.

On the half day schedule he doesn't have PE, they go straight from AGP (advanced Math/science) to English. So he gets out of AGP early at 9:10 and is supposed to be in English at 9:10 (side note...he would be late even if Billy didn't have to stop by the nurse).

Back to the point:
On this past half day... Billy runs into the nurses office frantic. Dropping things. Hurried. The nurse has him slow down, but Billy doesn't want to get his friends in trouble for being late. Off they go to class

Ms. English Teacher: "well lets just see how late we are today...6 minutes".
Billy: "we were at AGP and then I had to go to the nurse".
Ms. English Teacher: "I don't care about AGP and I don't care about the nurse".

THEN Ms. English teacher turns to his friends and says "Do you two think its fair that you have to miss the FUNNEST part of English BECAUSE OF BILLY?"

<SIZE size="175">WHAT THE HELL WOMAN! :mad::mad::mad: </SIZE>

I guess Billy was upset. Almost to the point of tears in his eyes. After English, the kids (leaded by Kaitlyn) came back to class and surrounded the teacher's desk. (Billy tagged along) "Mrs. O, we feel really bad for Billy because of Ms. English teacher. He was really sad".

Long story short: Principal was called. Principal came down and talked individually to several students including Billy, Kaitlyn, and his 2 nurse buddies.

Thursday Amber did a little confirming. Then she went to the principal. Who, after listening to our concerns, thought we should have a "care plan meeting". Not what I had in mind, but if you want one. She called the English teacher and confirmed a conference for 2:45 Friday.

Before I made it home. The english teacher had already called the house. HMMM? I dismissed it.
The next morning I ran the kids to school. When I came home. This message was on my voice mail: "Mr. and Mrs. Miglioranzi. This is Ms. english teacher from name of school (duh lady...we know who ya are!) I just wanted to inform you that I spoke to Mrs. O, I spoke to Mrs. AGP teacher and I spoke to the nurse. I have made arrangements for Billy to leave AGP 7 minutes early so that he can go to the nurse and get to my english class on time. If you could call the school and confirm I would appreciate it so we can avoid the long lengthy conversation".

The tone of her voice. Her informing me that she changed MY CHILD'S schedule. I was STEWING. Was she covering her butt? Was she trying to avoid this meeting because she knew? Does she think we're stupid? Or pushovers?

Leave advanced math early to make it to english, something just didn't seem right about this? THEN IT HAPPENED...not eve 2 min after I listened to the voice mail. My cell phone rang. "This better not be her...this better not be her...IT WAS HER!" Same cocky tone to her voice. Part way through the 2nd sentence I stopped her. "Ya know, I am not really sure why your calling me when we have a conference today with Mrs. Principal."
She continues...I stopped her again. I then let her know that "we will not be changing Billy's schedule and again, I'm not sure why you are calling me. All of these things will be discussed during our conference today with mrs. principal present."

At this pint I WAS PISSED! She should have just let it go and attended the conference. Now Dad is mad! Now the gloves came off (or i put them on...not sure which) NOW we will be having more than a "care plan" meeting today.

I called Amber (I have a short temper, and she calms me down. lol) and she came home and we started getting prepared. I wrote down comments so that I could remember. Amber printed the Code of Ethics and we highlighted the ones she violated (Yes, we went there). We were ready!

We walk into the meeting. It was Me, Amber, Principal, Nurse, and English teacher. We sat down. The principal started off with the typical speech of why we are all here and then she handed it over to us to "share our concerns" (I do hate this part).

I went over what was said in class that day, I told her how she singled him out and how she made him feel. I told her not only did she do this to a CHILD, but she took a child whom has been documented to have anxiety and low self esteem due to all that he has been forced to deal with.

I told her she caused him more stess beceause ALL YEAR he has been getting himself and his friends in trouble for being late. I told her she embarrassed him in front of ALL his classmates and made him feel more different and alone than he already dows. For something that he has no choice of. Something that he can NEVER change.

Amber told her how unacceptable this is. She told her how we wish he didn't have to take injections and poke his sore fingers. We asked what would happen in Billy came to her in the middle of class and told her he didn't feel well? We asked her how we know he would be sent to check? OR WORSE! What happens if he doesn't tell you? What if, because of your behavior, Billy doesn't come to you? What if he waits 10 more minutes? What if that 10 minutes is to long? What then?

She tried to sell us this lightened version of her comments to the kids, but the principal chimed in with a students statement from an interview.
Hearing it out loud made my blood pressure rise, HIGH! Amber grabbed my hand (I would have gone crazy without her there, she always knows)
Amber read this line out of the Code of Ethics: "Shall not intentionally expose a student to unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement". Amber told her that among others, she violated this part of the code of ethics. She caused a child embarrassment and emotional stress because of his medical disability. And that is not acceptable.

And because she is known to retaliate with snide remarks, I told her that if a comment is made to Billy or anyone else about our meeting or our complaint that it will go WAY ABOVE anyone sitting in this room today. AND I would like to confirm that he will no longer be in trouble for being late to English on half days.

At some point after that she mentioned that she is going to "accomodate us". (UM, you have no choice sunshine) The nurse and the principal let her know that there is no "accommodation" necessary, that's just the way its going to be.

She said that since I didn't value English that it was fine for Billy to be 10 minutes late, but not the other 2 students. An adult from the office would need to walk him down. Whatever! as long as SOMEONE is with him, that's fine.

I then let her know, with tears in my eyes. I never said that English wasn't important. But having said that, I bet the families of the THREE CHILDREN who have DIED in the LAST TWO WEEKS from this awful disease would give ANYTHING for their child to miss 10 minutes of English right now.

We didn't have much else to say after that.


PF Addict
Oct 26, 2009
South Africa
Father_0f_7 said:
She said that since I didn't value English that it was fine for Billy to be 10 minutes late,
WTF?? People like this shouldn't be allowed to be teachers :mad:

Father_0f_7 said:
I then let her know, with tears in my eyes. I never said that English wasn't important. But having said that, I bet the families of the THREE CHILDREN who have DIED in the LAST TWO WEEKS from this awful disease would give ANYTHING for their child to miss 10 minutes of English right now.
Way to go. I hope that made her think a bit...


PF Addict
Apr 18, 2009
It sounds like the small amount of power she has, has gone to her head.

If I were you I would make sure this issue was still being taken higher, and it it wasn't then I would do it myself.


PF Addict
Aug 19, 2008
F.I., Florida
We already called the school board and complained and they are "investigating" her.

They asked if we want him to be taken out of her class and put in another one. We told them we would think about it, when we asked Billy what he wanted to do he said he wanted to stay in her class because, in his words, "I'm always going to have to deal with ignorant people like her, may as well get used to it now" lol. I think it also has something to do with the fact that Kaitlyn and him have all of their classes together right now too.


PF Deity
Mar 20, 2008
Wow!! What a mean, uncaring lady. :mad: That kind of thing REALLY makes me mad. I'm so mad for you guys I wish I could be a part of yelling at her!! lol You guys really handled it amazingly. Props to you! A lot of parents think they have no say in the things some teachers like to get away with. You guys are smart. I'm glad you got it all taken care of, and I sure hope she doesn't try anything else snotty with him. I imagine she's risking her job if she does.


Super Moderator
Oct 20, 2008
Thats always cool to be on the right side of a fight.

I know you probably dont need any advise at this point. Buuutttt, I would stick a little calender/day planner page in the back of his folder and have him jot anything with the date that he thinks is significant from this point on. Its so much better if there would be a round three to have facts and dates.

Also she may try and retaliate with a strategy that she feels is "safe". Some people have the ability to amaze with their ignorance.


PF Addict
Aug 9, 2010
St. John, VI
Father_0f_7 said:
"I'm always going to have to deal with ignorant people like her, may as well get used to it now" lol.
It really sucks when we have to ask a 9 year old to 'be the adult' in a situation. It makes you feel proud when they say something like this, but it is also very sad. Do you know what I mean????

I don't understand the teachers that are like this. Seems like every school has at least one. But there is a BIG difference between a mean teacher and one who is actually putting someone's life at risk, which I believe this one is doing. Good job for standing up to her and handling the situation so well. It's soooooo hard to keep your cool when your child is threatened.


PF Addict
Mar 2, 2010
why be a teacher if you don't like children. i work in a child care centre and look after children between 3 and 9 (sometimes up to 10 at once by my self) and no I'm not saying it's always easy but if i couldn't handle it and didn't enjoy being around them i would have a different job which is maybe something this devil woman needs to look at. he is 9 and his condition is not only life and death but it is incurable so he needs to learn to manage it now so this should not be hindered by some power hungry bitch..

grrr can you tell I'm a little mad over this. i think you handled it so well, better than i would have. I'm so crazy when it comes to people not respecting my children (and they are both under 2 lol) not looking forward to evil teachers!