

Junior Member
Apr 26, 2013
Toronto, Canada
Hi All,

I am not yet a parent, but my girlfriend and I are preparing...

Most of my friends have children. I have always connected well with them, and children in general. I have spent lots of time in elementary schools, often as a guest speaker when I held public office. I have also been coaching youth hockey for a number of years.

I find I have a knack for helping certain child/parent relationships find balance. Often it is imbalance in the parents that is being reflected in the behaviour of the children...:wubclub:

I am inclined to teach through concepts as opposed to giving a series of rules/instructions. My focus is on building confidence and empowering children to develop/trust their inner-guidance systems.

I look forward to learning from experiences of others, and sharing any potentially valuable insights/perspectives I may have.

Many blessings,