

PF Addict
Aug 9, 2010
St. John, VI
I've become a lurker!!! I still check in on all of you and rarely post. That's not fair!! I will try and do better. This is usually my last stop in my morning internet crawl and don't have a lot of time to post usually. I've been sleeping a little later :)

Ilo is getting big, he will be two in less than a month! Luca is getting big too...he is 11.5 and starting with the puberty thing. Oh no!! We still have a lot of the same struggles...and some new ones...

Homeschool is hard!! I'm glad that I chose a program that was pretty detailed and has a lot of help (Calvert Virtual Academy). I am not getting much help from his dad, and that makes it difficult for me. His dad is retired, and isn't involved in any outside projects of any kind, and has lots of time, but not patience. I work all of the time, and now most of my hours are working in the store, doing the retail end of things, so that makes it hard to help Luca when he needs help. And if Luca isn't into it, forget it! There is no way I can make him do the work. But he also has some really good days. Gets the work done, pushes ahead, and is motivated. He's on schedule, and is getting good grades, so I am thankful for that.

His dad still makes me nuts. And even if it doesn't sound like the right thing to do, everyone is much better off if we limit our interactions as much as possible. Well... maybe I should say better for everyone except for him. He would much rather us talk all the time etc. But everyone else in my family (and my business partner) seems to suffer if we do it that way. I would usually say communication is key, but not in this case!!! I don't feel that he communicates though... it's more like attempting psychological control.

I am gearing up for another season. Hopefully this one is even better than last year. It's a huge struggle for us financially at this point, but the numbers are always improving, so hopefully after we have the loan paid off things will get better for us on a personal level.

DUMP! Thanks for listening!!! And Happy thanksgiving to those of you who will be celebrating!


Super Moderator
Oct 20, 2008
Nice to hear from you again. Yep Cole is also a PITA much of the time. But then he does "know it all"

And I understand the "less is more" on the communication. I cant trust the wife not to lie anyway. She cant complete a story or joke if her life depended on it. And any opinion other than hers is a direct attack which equals being non supportive on my part. This is how she justifies having a bf.

Strangely enough Chloe is my rock star. She is always ready for a tickle or game of chase. Her kisses and hugs are my fountain of strength.

So Rock On. We feel your pain.

Shaun Austin

Oct 22, 2012
We're here when we're not trying to organise our stuff for storage, organise the purchase proccess on the new house, keep all four kids in check, working, or going to pregnancy related things with my wife. However I often find that theres too many things in the day to do and not enough hours to be able to do them in. However I always try and sqeeze in 10 minutes when im in the office without a class or any students. Otherwise im running around like a headless chicken as all my teaching rooms are dotted around the place and are no where near my office, and I have to wait till I get home and just before bed like tonight but I'm still here


PF Addict
Oct 26, 2009
South Africa
Aaah. Thanksgiving.

Of course. :p

Nice to hear from you, Julie! You've been very quiet. Sorry to hear Luca's dad is still making life difficult :( but I'm glad to hear Luca is doing well with home-schooling. :)


PF Regular
Oct 19, 2012
I'm still around, just been under the weather for the last few days, lots of fires in our area setting off my allergies & asthma and my brain has been a little slow from the meds lol.


PF Enthusiast
Oct 15, 2012
Yes , Thanksgiving. This is the time we give the kids to my sister and we just lay around the house and do nothing