Hi There - Help Needed Please......


Junior Member
Apr 24, 2011
Hi Everyone,

I am new here and pleased I found this forum as my situation is beyond ridiculous.

I came to live in the UK nearly 16 years ago and got married to my now ex husband. We had immense problems to begin with as his mother basically controlled him and he would never defend me... I got over that part and gave birth to a beautiful son nearly 10 years ago. When he was 18 months old we parted company. My ex kicked me on a public street in front of his mother who egged him on and said "go on kick her..." This was all recorded at the time - hospital visits and more.

Eventually we got divorced and he met another lady. Well, to say the is a tyrant is an understatement. He cannot stand up to her either and what she says goes! They have 2 kids together. My son has always had regular contact with his dad which I encouraged, but have constantly been bullied to the point of them calling police, social services etc only to be turned away and told not to try their luck again as I am a wonderful mother.

I have always been scared of my ex, because of how he resorts to abuse and emotional torture each time he does not get his own way. It is like existing and not living. My son tells me how his dad and new wife carry on at him, manipulating him and all sorts. He feels afraid of his dad too and is often scared to tell him that he does not want to go to their house.

The final straw is: His dad takes them all away on holiday with his parents. My son gets sworn at by his grandfather (f*** off) and then I get a text message to say that his step mother has slapped him because they have had words and he slapped her back. Just to add, not because he is my child, but everyone always comments on what a well balanced boy he is and well behaved etc. I then phone my child to see what's going on, only to be told that he is lying. My son then comes to the phone and tells me it did not really happen "like that". My ex says he needs discipline, which is a joke coming from someone who is a total bully. My son said in the text message he sent that he never wants to go on holiday with them again and that he hates Step Mother. Hate is not a word I agree with, but coming from a child and my child, I believe what he tells me fully. Why would he lie to me about being slapped? The father then grabs the phone and slams it down on me.

What can I do about this. They will be home in 2 days time. I am beside myself. Being screamed at down a phone in another country by ex-mother in law, husbands new wife is scary and not an environment I want my son to be in.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Thanks all!


PF Regular
Apr 23, 2011

I don't think the lack of response is due to lack of concern, but rather your situation sounds so complex that it is likely outside of the scope of most people's advice-giving abilities. It sounds like you may need legal advice and perhaps something like professional mediation between you and your husband.

I sincerely hope that things start going better for you and your son.