House schedule examples?...


PF Enthusiast
Feb 16, 2011
As I have stated I plan to become a fosterparent as soon as my states restrictions allow me to, and I am wondering if anyone has any examples of their house schedules with wake up times, activity times, meal times, bed times, chore times, Tv times, or anything else anyone would care to share with me!


PF Fiend
Apr 3, 2007
St. Louis, MO
We try to have a routine but not so much a schedule. It needs to be flexible, too, because something always comes up. But our day GENERALLY goes like this:

We all wake up around 7, eat breakfast, get dressed, and walk out the door around 8. We take the 8yo to school, then I take the 2yo to my MIL's and go to my office and work a little while. Then I pick the 2yo up after her nap, and go pick up 8yo from school. When we get home we do something like take the dog for a walk, go to the park, or play outside if the weather permits. If it is cold or rainy we play a game inside. Around 4:30 we will do some chores. Around 5:30 I will start making dinner while my 8yo does her homework at the kitchen island. We eat around 6:00, then we all help clean up. After that, we do bath and bed for the 2yo while 8yo can watch some TV or play xBox. Then 8yo will do her shower and go to bed around 8:30. Lights out for her at 9. On days I don't go to the office, I just hang around the house with the 2yo. and we do art projects in the morning, then play outside, then have lunch, then take a nap, then go pick up 8yo from school. That is 2-3 times a week.


Super Moderator
Feb 23, 2009
Well, let's see, it varies by day a little bit, but yesterday was typical. DW and I up at 5:45, 8 yo up at 6:15, 4 yo up at 6:45, take 8 yo to the bus by 7:12 (spelling words in the truck on the way), 4yo to daycare, and in to the office at 7:30. Left work at 4:45, pickup 8 yo and take him to soccer 5:30 (math study and a snack on the way) (in the mean time DW, has picked up 4 yo from dayce and gone home with him, 6:30 run to the grocery for some essentials. home, 8 yo showers, eats dinner, practice piano, review an english test, reading and off to bed about 8:45, DW put 4 yo to bed about 8 (he's kind of a night owl, so we struggle with getting him to bed at decent times....that's our day.


PF Enthusiast
Feb 16, 2011
Thanks guys ^-^ I am more or less wondering how to fit (for school age)homework, school, 2 meals, chores, personal hygine PLUS playtime for older children! it just seems like ther aren't enough hours in the day, I mean i would have pleanty of time and so would the younger kids because we don't have school 8 hours a day! I want them to do their chores, but I also want them to have fun being a kid.


Super Moderator
Jul 3, 2008
melba, Idaho
Since your question is more about the time between school and bed I can give you a little of my routine, I am not a schedule person cause it just never works for me.

My kids get home between 3-3:30, it depends on whether or not they ride the bus. They have a snack and will watch cartoons until 4:30, if the weather is nice they go outside until 5 where we eat dinner. After dinner is homework. It's about 6 now, those that need a shower get one, we have one bathroom and 10 people, so the schedule rotates and the older ones take then later at night. I'm fast so I have them out by 6:30. Then they like to watch Family Guy and at 7 they head off to their rooms. They don't go to sleep until 8-9 but they go in their room where they can watch a movie or play quietly, usually I send them so early so I can get the baby down. Then repeat the next day.

I tend to fix dinner around noon-1 o'clock cause the hubby leaves for work at 3. I find having it done early helps the night go smoother.