How Crunchy are You?...


PF Deity
Apr 9, 2007
can you say ouch!!!! The only thing I will wax is my eyebrows, which need to be done come to think about it


Your Forum Mom
Apr 1, 2008
fallon said:
I've been considering waxing for a while now...I also hate to shave. Is it worth the $$? how long does it usually last?
For me it's worth the money. I get ingrown hairs like whoa (do the kids still say that?) and I get way less when I wax.
How often it needs to be done depends on how hairy you are and how fast it grows. In the beginning, like once a month. The longer you do it, the less often you need it.

And it doesn't hurt as bad as you might think. I was so nervous the first time I got my pits done, but honestly upper lip hurts worse. (Lay off, I'm eastern european. ;))


PF Enthusiast
May 27, 2008
I have tried waxing but i could not do it myself. I am a weenie. Though I would love to have it done but it was wierd even when i did a real good job waxing i still had to shave the next day.
I am not Italian but my mother and I grow hair even on our fingers and toes.
Thank fully I do not have the upper lip problem yet but I would be truly scared to wax that and I would try first bleaching it alot even so much that it just fell out LOL. I have had to bleach my upper lip twice in my life. I do not know why but it was when i was a teen and have not really had problems with it since my first baby was born. Of course I have probably jinxed myself now and the next time go to pluck with high powered mirror and see I have a mustache and hubby hasnt said anything lol.

I think one of the things that got me on there was when my baby turned one and could drink from a cup I was like yeah :) youcan drink from a cup and sip from a straw my boobs are mine. I don't know how women can do it longer and no I am not saying its bad thing. I just know at 18 months all of my kids were pointing out everyone boobies. I chalked it up to being breast fed ( I hope).
I had this one friend she continued to breast feed her girl could talk and dressed herself everything. It was kind of emberrassing when the child was like mom I want your boob. She was fine and comfortable about that but didnt want to potty train her girl because she found it immoral. :confused:
I bet you she would score really high in the crunchy factor.


PF Enthusiast
Mar 2, 2008
I waxed once (and not my legs). It hurt. I cried. It has been 6 months and I have not been able to bring myself to go back. It was amazing once it was all over, but.... oww...


Your Forum Mom
Apr 1, 2008
After the first time it doesn't hurt near as bad.

And I guess it can hurt more at certain points in your cycle.