How does exercise benefit children...


Junior Member
Apr 5, 2013
<t>Our children are our future—and understanding and supporting their natural yearning for physical activity will help lead them to a lifetime of happy and healthy living.<br/>
Among the many benefits are physical fitness, confidence and stronger self-esteem, more energy, better memory, and simply a good feeling about themselves—and they are easy to achieve. The main consideration in this manner is the encouragement from all spheres to children. Parents are the main source for this but other than parents’ schools play a major role in this as they can easily influence and motivate children to do so. There are many schools who concentrates on the health of children. Outdoor games and playful workout routines can be the tools that instill lasting joy of exercise.<br/>
Exercise enhances the brain’s metabolism. Studies show that active children have improved memory as a result of better brain function! Active children improve their body’s ability to absorb oxygen through aerobic exercise. Due to the increased oxygen in their body’s cells they feel more energized. More oxygen translates into more energy.School Children are less likely to become overweight and will have better control of their body fat. Overweight children are able to reduce their body weight and body fat due to the physiological effect of burning fat while exercising. Increased blood flow promotes the body’s transportation of the byproducts of metabolism and toxins back from the cells for elimination, recycling, or further use elsewhere. Children who exercise feel fitter and more energized because of their body’s ability to detoxify.<br/>
Exercise is fun if practiced in a good way.<br/>


Jun 5, 2012
La Quinta,CA
Well, I do agree that exercise plays an important role in physical and mental growth of kids. As a parent, we should encourage them to do a variety of activities so that they can achieve have stronger muscles and bones, have a leaner body because exercise helps control body fat, be less likely to become overweight, decrease the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, possibly lower blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels and have better outlook on life.

lolly jone

Junior Member
Aug 17, 2013
i totally agree with that
exercises are important not only for all what you have mentioned,in addition, they will get used to it until they are adults and this will be a great benefit for their life.


Junior Member
Dec 3, 2013
Definitely exercise is the most essential part for our children, it helps to prevent them from childhood obesity and other diseases. Medically it was proved that with the help of exercise we are able to maintain a healthy lifestyle as well as it boost our brain power.


PF Regular
Feb 17, 2014
Exercise is very important. I make sure that as a family we do something several times a week. We go to the indoor pool, go for walks, have relay races, play soccer, toss a football, anything to get us up and moving.