How does the risk of adverse reactions differ depending on the specific health condition or medication when taking two Poxet 90 Mg tablets at once?

Feb 8, 2023
Poxet 90 mg tablets at once may increase the risk of experiencing adverse reactions associated with the medication. Poxet 90mg (dapoxetine) is a medication primarily used for the treatment of premature ejaculation. Common side effects of dapoxetine include nausea, headache, dizziness, diarrhea, and insomnia. Taking a higher dose than prescribed, such as two tablets at once, may increase the likelihood and severity of these side effects. The risk of adverse reactions can vary depending on individual health conditions and other medications being taken. For example, individuals with certain medical conditions such as liver or kidney problems may be more susceptible to adverse effects from medications like dapoxetine. Additionally, interacting medications can potentiate the effects or increase the risk of side effects. It's crucial to follow the dosage instructions provided by a healthcare professional and to inform them of any existing health conditions or medications being taken to minimize the risk of adverse reactions. If you're considering taking two tablets of Poxet 90 mg at once, it's best to discuss it with your doctor first to ensure it's safe and appropriate for you.