How would you respond?...


PF Enthusiast
Nov 22, 2010
We found out we are having another boy (due in March, where did the time go?). We only have one daughter, who will be 13 in January (seriously, where did the time go?) and she has a twin brother and two younger brothers currently, and a third younger bro on the way. I never cared about the sex of my children because that was never an important factor for me in bringing them into the world. Of course, I have been curious what having another daughter would be like, but babies are babies, right?

We were quite pleased just knowing he is healthy and progressing normally, and will probably be as big as his older brothers. The only problem is EVERYONE, including my in-laws, are acting terribly disappointed by the news of another boy. My in-laws only had daughters, and seem to think that is the best type of family (although they loves the boys very much, they are sad we won't be blessed with another daughter). Maybe I'm just taking it wrong, but that is how I feel. I have no idea how to respond to people who say "Oh, and I bet you were trying for a girl."

I would like something witty to say because I seem to be reacting with irritation for the most part. At first I responded by just being happy I am having another wonderful addition to the family, but the more its said to me, the harder it is to not be irritated. Its surprises me how many people have been saying this to my wife and myself.

Just curious what you might do if someone were to say things like this to you.


Super Moderator
Oct 20, 2008
Welcome back. I see you have been around for awhile.

I'm terribly sarcastic. I would have to fight hard to hold it back. My response would go something like this: "Whew: I'm just relieved it's human." But of course that does tend to get me in trouble from time to time. I suggest just rolling with it.


PF Addict
Oct 26, 2009
South Africa
yunihara said:
I have no idea how to respond to people who say "Oh, and I bet you were trying for a girl."
I would probably just give them a surprised look and ask them why they would think that. And then watch them loose themselves in a tangle trying to come up with an answer that doesn't make them look like turds... :rolleyes:


PF Addict
Aug 9, 2010
St. John, VI
"Trying? I wasn't TRYING for anything. I just like to have sex!"

Sarcasm with shock factor. Bet that would have people searching for words :)


Super Moderator
Jul 3, 2008
melba, Idaho
Julie and bssage's comebacks get my vote.

Honestly though, most people assume that there is a sex that the parents might be hoping for. I never wanted dd's, and I have 4 lol

I also pretty much new that every other baby would be a girl and ever other one would be a boy cause we have a boy/girl pattern all the way down. Towards the last few we just wanted to know it our 'streak' would finally be broken..nope.

Shaun Austin

Oct 22, 2012
There is nothing wrong with three boys and 1 girl we have three boys and our youngest is then our only girl so far (twin boy and girl on the way). We have lived with the boys outnumbering the girls for our whole life as a family and Maddie has always preferred to be the only girl (she got to spend more time with mummy or so she says). I think having another boy is fine I mean as long as you are okay with it its fine. Another way to think of it is that boys are 'easier' during childhood because they will just go out and make fun for themselves often or thats my experience anyway.

If people say that to you just answer with a comeback like the above or just say 'maybe I wanted a boy... whats it to you anyway?' trust me it works wonders when people ask if we would a preferred an equal spread.
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PF Addict
Jul 2, 2010
New York
I like Julie's come back but don't know if I'd have the nerve to say it. lol

I might say something to this effect: " No,It doesn't matter to us at all,it seems to bother everyone else though"

Something like that.


PF Addict
Mar 2, 2010
i have 2 girls and a boy but i honestly have never really cared what sex the baby was going to be, when i was 17 and pregnant i was kind of hoping for a girl and i got a boy but after that i just thought "i will love whatever comes out so why stress about it" and i got two girls, i think everyone else seems to care more than the child's parents do..

i love Julie's comment haha


Junior Member
Jan 15, 2013
Rocky Point, NY 11778
If I were you, I won't mind these kind of responses! A baby is still a baby. Tell them it's a great blessing and you're going to accept it with all your heart! Congratulations to you both! This is good news so just be happy and enjoy parenthood.