I am a minor-attracted adult. Ask me anything....


Junior Member
Apr 4, 2015
Hello, I would like to introduce myself and offer you all here the opportunity to speak with me on a rather taboo subject. It is a subject important to me, and one that, as caretakers of children, you yourselves probably have concerns and questions about. If you'll allow me, and are respectful in your response to my presence here, I would be happy to answer your questions as best I am able, and explain some things that you should be aware of as caretakers.

I am what is called a Minor Attracted Adult, or MAA, colloquially known in most places as a pedophile. The term pedophile has been twisted around by the media and general public to refer to any MAA, although in reality there are a number of individual classifications for MAAs, and pedophiles are those adults primarily attracted to prepubescent children. I myself am a hebephile, which means I am primarily attracted to children who have begun the process of puberty, but have not yet completely developed. There are also nepiophiles that are attracted primarily to babies and toddlers, generally understood by sexologists to be around age 0-3, and ephebophiles who are primarily attracted to children who have completed puberty but are not yet considered adults. Note this refers to a primary attraction only, and people may find themselves attracted to children of a variety of ages. Personally, I am attracted to prepubescent and post-pubescent girls, and adult women too. A person who is primarily attracted to adults and has only a passing interest in children of any age would be called a teleiophile, even if on occasion they find a minor sexually attractive. A person with a primary sexual interest in elderly adults would be called a gerontophile, in case you're wondering.

Having admitted to you all that I am a Minor Attracted Adult, some of you, and perhaps the administrators of this site, may be concerned for the welfare of children that might be around me, or that I've done illegal acts that must be reported immediately. I should point out that simply admitting to a sexual attraction to children is not a crime in any jurisdiction I'm aware of, and certainly not in the jurisdiction where I am posting from. I am using an anonymous internet connection to protect myself from vigilantes that have been known to target admitted MAAs with violence, but even if I were to say anything I'll say to you in this topic in front of a police station surrounded by cops and cameras, I would not be arrested simply for my sexual orientation. Furthermore I have no criminal record, nor have I hurt any children (or adults for that matter). I will maintain my anonymity here for my own protection from the harsh social consequences of being outed, and the aforementioned violence often directed at MAAs, not because I am trying trying to cover up any crimes.

If my presence here is unwelcome, I will gladly walk away from this discussion forum and never bother you again. If you'll be respectful and welcoming, however, I will be glad to let you into the mind of a Minor Attracted Adult, talk to you about our world and our interest in children. While I cannot speak for all MAAs, I do know a number of MAAs and their diversity of thoughts, feelings, and demographics. Believe it or not, we are a diverse group of people, very different from the stereotypical creepy old man in a trench coat hiding in the bushes. We encompass all ages, genders, economic statuses, and personality types. Not every MAA will feel the same way about everything that I do, but I have encountered enough perspectives that I feel I can adequately represent at least a substantial proportion of Minor Attracted Adults of various classifications.

As for my motives in being here, and talking to you about this, I have no doubt some may be suspicious. All I can tell you is that most Minor Attracted Adults care deeply for the safety and wellbeing of children, just as a majority of heterosexual teleiophile men care deeply for the safety and wellbeing of women, and the same can be said about how two gay men might care for each other. The term pedophile, if you look at the root of the word, means child lover. My interest in being here and talking with you for as long as you're interested in talking with me, is out of a caring for children, and wanting to make sure that the adults in their lives are informed by facts and not hysteria. It may surprise you to learn that many, if not a majority of current convicted child sexual abuse offenders do not actually have a primary sexual interest in children, and simply attacked a child because the child could not put up much resistance. It may also surprise you to learn that despite what you may have heard in an era of "stranger danger"-type warnings about strange men out to abuse children, the vast majority of child sexual abuse is perpetrated by close and trusted family members or friends. These are just two of the areas of misunderstanding I want to help clear up so that hysteria about pedophiles can be replaced by more sensible and measured steps to protect children from actual harm.

I do have a second, more selfish reason for talking with you, I'll admit, and that is to change the attitudes of society in such a way as I can live more openly. The paranoia and misinformation about pedophilia and related sexual orientations does hurt children by distracting caretakers from actual threats and creates an environment of fear and isolation around every child, but it also hurts Minor Attracted Adults who have never and would never want to cause a child any pain or discomfort. Unfortunately we live in a society where pedophilia scares have replaced communist scares and witch scares of past ages, and a person who is a bit different or has different feelings may be shunned by society despite having done nothing wrong, and in some cases Minor Attracted Adults will be murdered much in the same way a black man might be murdered for looking at a white woman the wrong way not too long ago. Many pedophiles treat their realization of their sexual interest in children as a death sentence, and it prevents them from getting help if they need it. I don't mean to imply that MAAs are or should be ashamed of their sexual orientation, as we never chose to be this way, but many of us who have never done anything to be guilty about nonetheless suffer greatly in private because of the way society talks about them. The term pedophile has been warped in the public consciousness into a synonym for child molester, when the truth is very different. Just as not all men attracted to women would ever consider raping a woman, not all adults attracted to children would ever consider raping a child. The fact in both cases is that a very small percentage ever do. You likely know several MAAs already in your everyday offline lives, people who are kind and decent, but are forced to hide an important part of themselves because people hate what they fear, and fear what they don't understand. If I can help you to understand me and those other MAAs I can talk about, I believe you will come to fear us far less than you do now, and in turn you will hate us less. Perhaps then we can have more practical and productive discussions about the wellbeing of children as a society, rather than be afraid of the boogeyman hiding beneath every child's bed.

I will now be happy to take any questions you'd like to ask, and respond to any respectful comments. Even if your gut reaction to my post here is revulsion and fear, I would hope you would at least take this opportunity, if you truly care about the children in your lives, to learn something from what I have to say about myself and people like me, and let this be a meaningful discussion on the reality of child sexual abuse and pedophilia. Even if you still think of me as the enemy, shouldn't you at least know as much as you can about that enemy? I will be as honest as I can, and try to show you the same respect you're willing to show me. I know there are a lot of myths and misunderstanding about Minor Attracted Adults, and much of what you've probably heard about us comes from looking at the worst sort of people that do not represent the majority of MAAs or even are technically MAAs themselves. Finally, if any of you were sexually abused yourselves as children, or perhaps have an important child in your life that was genuinely assaulted by a predator, you have my deepest sympathies, and I'll simply hope you can keep an open mind that your experience may not be a universal one. I will not deny that in any demographic of people, some of those individuals may do terrible things, and I am not here to tell you that every MAA is a saint. The idea that somebody would do anything against a child's will, sexual or otherwise, is just as offensive to me as I hope it is to all of you. I hope by the end of our discussion, you'll come to realize that at least one MAA has respect for children and that at least some of the stereotypes about pedophiles and other MAAs are not a universal truth.
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PF Addict
Oct 26, 2009
South Africa
Hello and welcome.

I will try not to get hysterical about this, and will start by saying that I do believe that people who feel attracted to children but who don't want to hurt them, should have access to professional help. That would go a long way towards reducing the number who eventually molest children.

I do have an issue with a few things that are implied in your post:

MAA Guy said:
Just as not all men attracted to women would ever consider raping a woman, not all adults attracted to children would ever consider raping a child. The fact in both cases is that a very small percentage ever do.
You cannot ever compare sexual attraction to children, to sexual attraction to adults of any sex of gender. The latter is something that can be lived out between consenting adults, without causing anyone any harm. The latter can never be acted on in any way without harming the child. There is no such thing as healthy sexual contact between an adult and a child. Any sexual contact with a child is rape, so unless you are saying you are willing to stick to adult women or go through life celibate, you are intending to rape a child at some point.

Being attracted to a child isn't a sexual orientation, it is a perversion. Necrophiliacs, kleptomaniacs, pyromaniacs and zoophiliacs are not responsible for their actions either. That does not make what they feel ok, or normal in any way.

MAA Guy said:
The idea that somebody would do anything against a child's will, sexual or otherwise, is just as offensive to me as I hope it is to all of you.
The idea that anyone would do anything sexual to/with a child, whether or not it is against the child's will, is offensive and sickening to me. The age of consent laws exist in almost every country because a child isn't capable of giving informed consent. A child doesn't understand the consequences and cannot objectively decide whether or not to play along when seduced by an adult. The idea that any adult can call sexual contact with a child "love", and delude himself into thinking that just because the child "consented" it does not harm the child, makes me sick.

I smacks of NAMBLA bulls#!t and, excuse me if I am repeating myself, it makes me sick.


Junior Member
Apr 4, 2015
Thank you for your welcome, and I appreciate you not getting hysterical. I want to emphasize again that I am happy to answer questions, on any aspect of this issue, and I will do my best to be honest and provide sources whenever possible. If you have specific concerns about any issue related to MAAs or child sexual abuse, do not hesitate to ask. I'm afraid I actually started this topic before fully preparing for every possible question, so it may take me a little while to provide references to academic papers and such, but I'll do my best in a timely fashion when such matters come up. I am here to clear up any myths that are floating out there, as well as admit to some uncomfortable truths in areas where unfortunately some MAAs aren't always going to look good.

I do want to address your comments specifically, however.

First, it may be of interest to you that in a number of jurisdictions, there are mandatory reporting laws for therapists to report to police and child protective services in cases where an MAA admits his or her attraction to minors, even when they have no intention of committing any crimes, and have not committed any crimes, and even when the therapist believes there is no danger to any children or anyone else. For those MAAs who live in such jurisdictions, and do want professional help either related to their sexual orientation or not, this creates a very uncomfortable situation. To be clear, such laws do not result in any criminal prosecution since no crimes have or will be committed, they simply serve to harass those with an MAA orientation. Personally I oppose such laws, as do a great many mental health professionals, and I think most reasonable people should as well. Mental health services should be a right for everyone, but are effectively denied in these jurisdictions.

I do take issue with your implied assertion that MAAs cannot stop themselves from molesting children. It's been estimated that between 5-10% of the male population actually has an attraction to prepubescent children. That's an awful lot of pedophiles out there, plus many more hebephiles, nepiophiles, and ephebophiles. Surely if all of them, or even a sizable number of them were having sex with children, the crime data would reflect it. In past years various child protection groups have claimed that, for example, as many as one in three girls will be sexually abused by the time they're 18. This number has been walked back quite a bit since then, as skeptics have examined the data behind those statistical claims, and found that the rate of sexual assault is far lower, in fact closer to 1 in 20 or 1 in 40, depending on the study. If you'd like to know more, I suggest taking a look at the research by Christina Hoff Sommers into the issue.

It may be of interest to you that most of the MAAs I know, myself included, are preferentially attracted to minors of various ages, but are what we call "non-exclusive", and have an interest in adult women or men as well, albeit not as much. The idea that MAAs must remain celibate for life is simply not the case for many of us. It may also be of interest that I know quite a large number of virgins. In fact, MAA communities probably have more virgins in them than any other demographic online. This is a cause for distress for many, certainly, but just as there are religious people of various sorts that choose to remain celibate for life, it's not an impossible task. It is I think understandably frustrating that one must remain sexually frustrated, but for many who choose that way of life, they see it as an absolute necessity. They either believe that any sexual contact with children would be inherently harmful, or they believe the current social climate would cause an otherwise willing child to later grow up and feel ashamed for enjoying sex at any early age.

MAAs are in fact divided into two camps, pro-contact MAAs, and anti-contact MAAs. Pro-contact MAAs believe that children exploring their natural sexuality with an adult is not harmful or damaging in and of itself. Anti-contact MAAs believe that sex with children is always harmful. Do not let the former group's name fool you though. Just because somebody believes sexual contact between a child and adult is not inherently harmful, does not mean that they believe no harm might result from it. There is quite a bit of talk within the pro-contact side about iatrogenic harm, that is the idea that social pressures and well-meaning but nonetheless sexually moralistic therapists and other adults may convince the child that they were abused when before they did not believe they were abused. Thus, happy memories are turned into unhappy memories, and a child or former child experiences trauma years later. Additionally, many more pro-contact MAAs are quite reasonably afraid of being prosecuted and going to prison, regardless of their personal beliefs about adult-child sexual contact.

All this to say, very few MAAs ever act on their preferential sexual interest in minors. This is backed up by the statistics. I myself am very much a libertarian, but fear of iatrogenic harm to the child makes worry about any child I might want to have sexual contact with, so I abstain. Like I said, I haven't hurt anyone. I am far from unique in this in MAA communities.

The idea that MAAs cannot stop themselves from molesting children comes from studies of convict populations, by the way, not from any study of MAAs among the general population. Indeed, a great many locked up today for having sex with children did so without a preferential attraction to children, and simply have a predatory or violent mental state. There have been scarce few studies of MAAs in the general population, for the simple reason we are afraid to out ourselves because the criminals have gotten all the press and made us all look bad. I must admit, that when I was younger and still coming to grips with my realization of my sexual orientation, I was afraid (due to the prevailing belief) that I would be unable to stop myself from hurting children, and this caused a great deal of distress. I didn't want to hurt anyone, least of all children. It was only after I actually started talking to other MAAs that I came to the realization that the "pedophiles can't not molest" myth was exactly that, a myth. I was a good person before I realized what I was, and I remain a good person after. I have no less control over my sexual urges than you do. I would ask you to carefully examine your own sexuality, and consider how many times you have been attracted to another adult you could not have sexual contact with, for one reason or another. Perhaps they're married and your morals preclude adultery. Perhaps they're just not into you. Perhaps they're a world famous celebrity and you don't have any way of ever meeting them. It is very commonplace for people to have sexual desires they cannot fulfill. Somehow, this does not result in chaos or a great deal of criminal activity. Is it really such a stretch that MAAs can cope with unfulfilled sexual desire as well as you teleiophiles?

Nonetheless, this myth does persist and does cause a great deal of distress among the MAA population. I have heard quite a few MAAs state that they would rather end their own lives than harm a child. More than a few, under the mistaken belief they have no option, do end their lives. This may be cause for celebration in some camps, another MAA bites the dust, but it is a preventable tragedy as none of these people so dedicated to protecting children from harm would ever actually harm a child.

I also take issue with the idea that any MAA classification is a paraphilia. The same exact thing was said about homosexuality not too long ago, and recently more mental health professionals and sexologists have been coming out in favor of the idea of pedophilia and other MAA classifications are in fact valid sexual orientations. Just last July, an academic conference of many of these professionals was held at the University of Cambridge in England to discuss the matter in detail and concluded among other things that attraction to minors is "natural and normal for males" and "at least a sizeable minority of normal males would like to have sex with children". It's also worth noting that the American Psychological Association now considers attraction to minors as a disorder only if it causes harmful behavior or distress. In other words, if a pedophile doesn't harm him or herself or anyone else, and is okay with their preferential interest in children, it's not a mental disorder. DSM-5 rejected hebephilia as a sexual disorder as well (though admittedly, does still include pedophilia).

Furthermore, I would point out that while pedophilia, hebephilia, and ephebophilia have been widely practiced for the majority of human civilization, necrophilia and zoophilia have never really been widely accepted by societies anywhere as far as I know. It is a historical fact that wide differences in ages, particularly between men and young girls, was a reality for marriage in cultures around the world until very recently. If such pairings were as commonplace and even seen as virtuous across all cultures for thousands of years, that surely lends at least some credence to the idea that it's not a perversion of the natural order. While I respect your right to have an opinion on the morality of such historical mating strategies, none of us would be here if not for those relationships you now call sickening.

I would like to discuss consent a bit more, as it's obviously at the root of a lot of concerns about MAAs, but this post is already quite long and running into the character limit. I'll have to get back to you on that after I've gathered a few more references to academic papers.
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Junior Member
Apr 4, 2015
Please forgive this double post. I ran into the character limit and could not include my final two paragraphs, posted below. I will also need to post again later on the matter of children consenting to sexual activity, and their capability or lack of capability to do so. There is quite a bit of debate on this among MAAs themselves, as well as sexologists, psychologists, and experts on child development, and I'd like to represent the matter in depth here as best I can.

Here were the two final paragraphs I wanted to include in my last post:

Since you brought up NAMBLA, it may be of interest to you that those interested in sex with male minors and those interested in sex with female minors rarely associate with one another. There have been, at various points, attempts for both sides to come together for common purpose and support, but for the most part the two communities are quite divided. As somebody who would call himself a "girl lover" rather than a "boy lover", I really don't know much about NAMBLA or if they're even that active anymore. I'm much more familiar with groups on the other side of things, since I am interested solely in females. There is a perception among MAAs online that in fact MAAs attracted to females greatly outnumber those attracted to males. Nobody can really say for sure, but if true then NAMBLA is probably even less relevant than perhaps their perception among the general public would indicate.

Again, I want to thank you for your respectful and calm reply. I hope the thread can continue in that fashion, and we can have a long and productive discussion. If you have any specific questions about myself, MAAs in general, the communities we have, or anything else related to this subject or anything I've said so far, please do not hesitate to ask and I will be as honest and open as I can. I firmly believe that the more open MAAs can be with the world, the less you will fear and hate us as a collective group. People fear most what they don't understand, and people hate what they fear. Of course, you are right to hate people who hurt children, but in order to protect children the real threats need to be identified. Most MAAs I know are no threat at all, and those who are a threat can be better identified and I'd like to help with that.
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PF Addict
Oct 26, 2009
South Africa
A good place to start when debating, Is always to actually read what the other person wrote. I'll help you :
singledad said:
unless you are saying you are willing to stick to adult women or go through life celibate
As for consent - sex without <U>informed</U> consent = rape.
A child is as capable of informed consent as a drunk woman.
I prefer not to model my values on what was ok in the middle ages and before. I hope society has progressed since then.
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PF Addict
Feb 27, 2012
The one thing that primarily comes to mind is, why post this here? You don't come across as delusional, you come across as quite articulate and surely you realise that you're not going to be changing any minds on the topic of paedophilia a parenting forum. It just seems like lighting a fire to me, especially if you are intending on debating something like the capabilities of a minor to consent from the point of view of an "MAA" as you have said you are going to do- you have an ulterior motive in that, no one is going to be open and receptive to that.


PF Fanatic
Feb 26, 2015
You got guts just going straight to confessing to parents, that's for sure.

How is he allowed on here?:veryconfused:


PF Addict
Oct 26, 2009
South Africa
cybele said:
The one thing that primarily comes to mind is, why post this here?
From what I know about his type, I guess he wants to convince us that molestation need not be harmful to the child, and that it is us, as parent and as society as a whole, who cause the damage with our attitudes towards it, and by telling the child it was traumatic. (iatrogenic harm) Some even go as far as to say that it is cruel to deny a child the opportunity to "explore their sexuality".

Yup. That's the kind of sick things these people tell each other and themselves, to justify their perverted desires.

I'm really not sure how long we should tolerate him. But this thread could serve a very useful purpose as an illustration that pedophiles (I really can't be bothered to sugar-coat it with politically correct abbreviations, I'll just use the common term) are often articulate, seemingly intelligent and well mannered. The stranger in the trench coat really isn't an accurate picture. And regardless of how likely they are to offend, I wouldn't want my children around them, for the same reason that I wouldn't want my daughter to get drunk around a bunch of equally drunk boys when she is a teenager - it only takes one bad apple, having one moment of weakness, to irrevocably change a child's life. It's just not worth taking the chance.


PF Addict
Feb 27, 2012
I think you're spot on SD. This line in particular stands out to me

"will also need to post again later on the matter of children consenting to sexual activity, and their capability or lack of capability to do so. There is quite a bit of debate on this among MAAs themselves, as well as sexologists, psychologists, and experts on child development, and I'd like to represent the matter in depth here as best I can."

Come on, no shit Sherlock. Of course someone is going to debate something that can be moved to their benefit, that's human nature.

MAA Guy, sorry but you're trying to justify your attraction, while arguing that you are no harm to children while bringing up that you debate the lack capability of children to consent. That's entirely contradictory and doesn't exactly paint you as a good guy here. So of course people are going to get their backs up, and quite frankly I am open to the idea of paedophile who says "Yeah I can grasp that this is what is going on in my head, but I know it's not something I can ever act on and that's it, end of story". As soon as you mention questioning the capability of a child to consent to sexual activity with an adult, and suggest that they may be/should be able to do so, then no, you are no longer the good guy, you are exactly what the problem is.
The person in the position of control should never be the one to deem what is harmful to those effected by that position of control. It's not about what you think or believe.


PF Fanatic
Feb 26, 2015
I think all pedaphiles should castrated and have tags on their foreheads for all to know. And there should be a town far from any families where all the pedaphiles go to be monitored for the rest of their lives.


PF Addict
Oct 26, 2009
South Africa
cybele said:
I am open to the idea of paedophile who says "Yeah I can grasp that this is what is going on in my head, but I know it's not something I can ever act on and that's it, end of story". As soon as you mention questioning the capability of a child to consent to sexual activity with an adult, and suggest that they may be/should be able to do so, then no, you are no longer the good guy, you are exactly what the problem is.
I agree. I understand that many People (not only men) find themselves attracted to minors, but understand that they can never act on it. I know for a fact that a significant minority of sexual abuse survivors fall in this category. The responsible ones, who truly don't want to risk harming children, will not put themselves in a position where they will be alone with children. I can respect that, and I will even fight for allowing them access to therapy or any other type of support they need. These are the good guys who have been dealt a bad hand in life.

The moment you start trying to justify approaching children, however, I lose both respect and sympathy for you. I don't care who has studied it. With enough determination, you can massage data into proving just about anything. So MAA guy, if you intend to advance an argument, please start with posting a link to a complete study (not a report, an article or a book) that supports your point. Otherwise I'm not listening. I'm simply not interested in your opinion on the matter. I've seen too many ways in which molestation have harmed people to be swayed by opinions.


Community Admin
Aug 1, 2014
East Central U.S.
On the one hand I want to be 100% fair and open to discussion, because we're all adults here and I know that everyone can handle it and take care of themselves, but this forum is centralized around parenting and family discussion. Not the details of what is extremely arguably one of the most horrific issues this world faces.

MAA Guy, I have no personal angst against you, I appreciate you being very thorough and honest with the community here, but there are much better suited places on the web to discuss such things. :)