Infraction for yeojungi: Spammed Advertisements...


Super Moderator
Jul 3, 2008
melba, Idaho
Post: Teenager getting F's!!!!
User: yeojungi
Infraction: Spammed Advertisements
Points: 1

Administrative Note:
site linking
Message to User:
We have enjoyed having you on board and your participation has been appreciated. However we do not allow site linking, in the future if you come across a site you think might be valuable to a member run it past one of the mods and we will either give you permission or deny it.

Thanks again,
Original Post:
I have no suggestions for getting him motivated but I have a thought as to how he might catch up. Since he has missed a large amount of information that he needs to know what he is learning in school now, you cannot expect him to improve grades sometime soon. Because learning is a process of building and expanding. If you have to put the bricks layer by layer. So, you need to find out where he needs to go back and relearn.

One place you can go to is It offers free online instructions on math, science, history etc. All instructions are in the video format. It's in a very logical order, you can start where ever you need to start. There are practice questions you can use to hone your skills so that you can be sure that you are ready for the next instructions.

Hope this helps.