just a rant...


PF Addict
Jul 11, 2007
Maybe 3 times a day with a gf, or mistress...

but with the wife...every day...forever?

lol...no way.


PF Enthusiast
Dec 28, 2007
Ft belvoir VA
FooserX said:
Maybe 3 times a day with a gf, or mistress...

but with the wife...every day...forever?

lol...no way.

thats an awful thing to say! My hubby adores me. He's my omeboy, lol. We TRY to last longer than 15 minutes, but, well, we like it, ha, and its hard to stop, well, you know. The longest we've ever lasted was 45 minutes...unless you count stopping in between to take breaks...we've had babysitters and gone ALL day. My hubby is worse than me, he sometimes calls me at work cuz he needs to relieve himself, lol, and thats funny because he checks ID's all day at a gate, lol...good thing he washes his hands.


Super Moderator
Jul 19, 2007
veronicadavis said:
thats an awful thing to say! My hubby adores me. He's my omeboy, lol. We TRY to last longer than 15 minutes, but, well, we like it, ha, and its hard to stop, well, you know. The longest we've ever lasted was 45 minutes...unless you count stopping in between to take breaks...we've had babysitters and gone ALL day. My hubby is worse than me, he sometimes calls me at work cuz he needs to relieve himself, lol, and thats funny because he checks ID's all day at a gate, lol...good thing he washes his hands.



PF Visionary
Dec 4, 2007
LMAO I would so never call my husband my "home boy" Sorry but that was hysterical to me.


PF Enthusiast
Dec 28, 2007
Ft belvoir VA
Well I would have said "best friend", but that term is abused all the time, ya know? Like, they say it, but don't actually mean it, but I do...so, I said "homeboy". He's also like a brother, but that just seemed nasty to say, lol. We get tired too, but when that happens, well, there's always mutual masturbation, lol...it takes less energy.


Junior Member
Jan 10, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta
Lissa: If you are truely afraid of how he will react to a simple request of the family needing more time with a father and husband then maybe the simplest thing to do is write down how you feel without putting your husband down in anyway and leaving the home for awhile. Let it sink in what you wrote but also keep yourself safe from the situation, especially since he's violent.

Musicmum: I understand how you can slowly stop loving someone due to an addiction, I understand that part of what your saying and that's fine. But staying together for the sake of the kids is never a good excuse! Your growing apart as a couple and I understand why but look down the road. What happens when the kids are off at collage? Who will be there with you? If you base your life around your kids because your husband isn't there, then down the road is a dead end. You won't have the kids to fall back on to distract you from your husband or any other problems. I really think that this solution is a ticking bomb waiting to explode. Only question is sooner or later?


PF Visionary
Dec 4, 2007
lelo2006 said:
Lissa: If you are truely afraid of how he will react to a simple request of the family needing more time with a father and husband then maybe the simplest thing to do is write down how you feel without putting your husband down in anyway and leaving the home for awhile. Let it sink in what you wrote but also keep yourself safe from the situation, especially since he's violent.

Musicmum: I understand how you can slowly stop loving someone due to an addiction, I understand that part of what your saying and that's fine. But staying together for the sake of the kids is never a good excuse! Your growing apart as a couple and I understand why but look down the road. What happens when the kids are off at collage? Who will be there with you? If you base your life around your kids because your husband isn't there, then down the road is a dead end. You won't have the kids to fall back on to distract you from your husband or any other problems. I really think that this solution is a ticking bomb waiting to explode. Only question is sooner or later?
Huh?:veryconfused: For one, I never said I stay for the kids. Secondly, I adore my children and yes my life revolves around my children. I had them because I wanted them. I will not just disappear when they are off to college if that's what you are trying to say. And lastly...my husband and I don't live together and haven't for many years. I don't "need" a man to be here to be happy. I have a best friend, a mother, two brothers...should I go on? And my happiness doesn't lay within them either. It's in myself and it will still be here when they are off to college. lol
I appreciate your concern but I really don't need analyzed. I seriously have a great life. Thanks


PF Deity
Apr 9, 2007
music mom, wouldn't you just consider your husband your husband legally and nothing else? (has nothing to do with conversations above) Just wondering


Junior Member
Jan 10, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta
musicmum: didn't mean for an analysis, it just sounded like you still live with your husband but because of the way he was you didn't associate with him, and I was just pointing out that if you still live with him but don't reallly love him then later on it's going to be difficult. But if your trying to tell her she doesn't need a man.... THEN I AGREE! You don't need one especially when they treat you like that.