Kiddo Scolded By Playground Aide...


New member
Jun 11, 2020
My two kids have been obsessed with crickets and grasshoppers this fall.  They have always liked insects, but recently they've been spending many hours collecting them and keeping them in a couple of containers made for insects.  They have even been bringing the bugs to school with them on the bus.  We've spoken with their bus driver and their teachers and they're ok with it.  However, my oldest son has been taking the container out on the playground with him and sometimes catching new bugs or setting the one he caught earlier free.  On one of those days a playground aide took notice of his bugs and demanded he poured them out in some nearby ditch that apparently is full of water.  He obeyed her, but chose a safer location to dump his bugs.  She must have been watching him and found he didn't obey and said, "what about what I said didn't you understand?".

I'm a bit irritated about what happened to him and not really sure what to do about it.  He's a very obedient child, but doesn't like to kill things so he knew what the playground aid demanded was a death sentence to the bugs so he chose to compromise.  I don't know what rules there are on playgrounds, but I don't believe it should be a dictatorship where one persons beliefs reigns supreme.  Obviously this person doesn't like bugs, but she shouldn't pass her beliefs onto my child, especially in this manner.


New member
Apr 23, 2021
You're right, she shouldn't tell your son to kill the bugs. He could just let them go somewhere near the playground, and there would be nothing wrong. I hope your son is feeling okay about this situation.


New member
Jan 9, 2021
Is it okay for an adult to tell a kid to kill tiny creatures? I think that this playground aide was really unprofessional, and she needs to learn how to talk to children. It could leave a trauma on your kid, but hopefully, everything is okay. That's why I always worry when I send my child to preschool. You never know what can happen there. I even don't like public playgrounds because I've heard about perverts, so I bought this playground, and now my son can play in our backyard. Of course, I understand that he needs to communicate with other kids, but I just can't stop worrying about him.
