Laundry Debate...

Normal Parent

Jul 11, 2011
I think that when your child is of age they should definitely be putting their clothes away, when my daughters old enough she will be!


Junior Member
Jul 12, 2011
I think it's good to set some expectations. You can leave their clothes folded outside their door, and if they're not put away by the end of the day, then you'll do it. That way they have the chance to take charge of their privacy, but they know that the clothes DO need to be put away.

Junior Member
Aug 27, 2011
New York
I think no matter what age the kids are, they need to put their own clothes away. Not because of privacy or their rights, (as far as I'm concerned, they're your children and live under your roof so they have no privacy) but because it teaches responsibility and consequence. If they don't put their clothes away, then they're gonna be the smelly kid that no one likes. Maybe they'll learn from that.


Junior Member
Aug 26, 2011
Houston, Texas
It is your house. Children, as long as they live in your house, are accountable to you. You have every right to do anything you want to in their room. If they would like to rent the room from you (I would divide the square footage of their room by the square footage of the house. That percentage of your house payment/rent could be a gauge for his rent, but that is just my opinion--you may have a better plan), then that might be different. I understand that a 21-year-old might have some privacy issues because of growing independence. Is he in college? Does he have a job? Is he making enough to be out on his own?

These are all questions you might consider. Your son is not going to get any less independent as time goes by. When he is at the point where he cannot submit to house rules, perhaps it is time to launch.