Looking for advice, I'm worried about my milk....


PF Fiend
Oct 6, 2007
Okay so, WIC finally got me an electric pump. Before that I was using a manual Medela and I was getting 2 oz from each breast each time I pumped. Now I have switched over to a Medela electric pump and I am getting 3oz from my left breast and only 1oz from my right! At first I thought it was just me getting used to a new pump so I tried my manual again on the right side and I can still only get 1 oz out of that side.

I've noticed DS is not as satisfied when he nurses on my right breast, also. Is there anything I can do to up production on that side? This is stressing me out! I want to nurse for as long as I can and I'm worried my milk isn't keeping up with my son..at least not on that side, anyway.

Also, he's a month old..how often should he be eating now and how much? When he nurses he still wants to eat every two hours. When he takes a pumped bottle he will go closer to three hours but he will only take 2oz at a time.


PF Addict
Jun 10, 2007
Do you have access to a Lactation Consultant? If so, definitely seek their help! They were very helpful, especially in the beginning, with both of my kids.

Some women aren't successful with pumping. I was one of them. No matter what I tried, even with a Medela Pump In Style (double electric), I was never able to pump more than 1 oz. from each side.

My youngest nursed every 1.5- 2 hrs. as a newborn, even more frequently during a growth spurt.

It has been several years since my BFing days. I'm sure the nursing moms here can offer more help, but I strongly recommend seeking help from a Lactation Consultant.


PF Regular
Mar 9, 2008
I never was able to pump either. It just didn't work for me. I tried everything, but just couldn't work.
I do know that if you start on the side that he has trouble with he is more likely to have a more forceful suck and cause that side to produce more if it really is not producing as much. That is what a lactation consultant told me at least. I'm sure you have a consultant in your area. Most you can call and see what you can do. I wouldn't worry if you can't pump (unless it is a necessity) because pumping might not be giving you an accurate "reading" of what you are producing.



PF Visionary
Sep 12, 2007
Skyburning said:
Okay so, WIC finally got me an electric pump. Before that I was using a manual Medela and I was getting 2 oz from each breast each time I pumped. Now I have switched over to a Medela electric pump and I am getting 3oz from my left breast and only 1oz from my right! At first I thought it was just me getting used to a new pump so I tried my manual again on the right side and I can still only get 1 oz out of that side.

I've noticed DS is not as satisfied when he nurses on my right breast, also. Is there anything I can do to up production on that side? This is stressing me out! I want to nurse for as long as I can and I'm worried my milk isn't keeping up with my son..at least not on that side, anyway.

Also, he's a month old..how often should he be eating now and how much? When he nurses he still wants to eat every two hours. When he takes a pumped bottle he will go closer to three hours but he will only take 2oz at a time.
First thing, stop stressing. The more you stress about it the less milk you will produce. You aren't starving him so I'm sure your supply is just fine. How often are you pumping?


PF Visionary
Dec 4, 2007
I'd call a lactation consultant or homeopathic nurse and ask what you can do. There has to be a way to stimulate those ducts. Warm baths andfeeding after those? Have your baby cry so you let down? What all have you tried? Are you drinking enough water? Milk? Good diet?


PF Fiend
Oct 6, 2007
Thanks for the replies guys I'm going to try to answer as many of the questions as I can before I have to go to work. He is eating fine and gaining weight, all that is good. I know I'm producing enough milk for him but it seems like it's all coming from the left side, lol. What I am worried about is righty stopping production and lefty not being able to keep up. Since he is eating every two hours I can't pump while I am home with him during the day, and I only have time to pump once at night while I'm at work. Sometimes if I'm not too exhausted I get up in the middle of the night while he is sleeping and pump again then. The reason I'd like to be pumping more ounces is so I can be away from him longer at work. I really need it financially right now. The other night I took a hot shower and then pumped immediately after and still only got an oz out of that side.

I didn't work all weekend though and made sure I had him start his feed on the right side often. I feel balanced right now but I didn't pump all weekend so we will see tonight when I pump and work and I'll be back with an update!

MM, I'm drinking plenty of water but I'm not sure I'm getting enough protein (I read that breast milk is mostly water fat and protein) so I'm going to start making myself eat eggs for breakfast (I hate to eat in the morning, yuck) and see if that helps also.---Oh I wanted to add that I'm really trying to stay away from excess milk right now, SO was lactose intolerant as a baby and Nolan has been super gassy so I'm cutting down on dairy as much as I can right now. It's hard because I'm a super picky eater and when I actually pay attention everything I do eat pretty much has some milk product in it. But I'm trying to avoid it as much as I can right now.


PF Fanatic
Dec 17, 2007
Oh jeez, let me tell you something I pump EVERYDAY on the weekdays while I'm away from dd. I'll give you some hints and tips on what works for me and you can let me know if you've tried that.

First, sometimes women just aren't pumpers. The electric pump in style is what I use too and sometimes I wont get much out either. It's wonderful, if your a pumper. Your baby might just suck hard to get the milk out and that suck isn't hard enough with the pump.

Next, are you relaxing whenever you're pumping? Try this trick. Get two hairties and loop them around so that they look like a bow. Hold it up to your bra strap and loop it around that. Bring your pump up and put the other end of the tie around the horn. This should make it hands free for you. I know women who SWEAR by this. I cannot use it. It really only works if you have breast that are shaped a certain way. Mine are very round so it doesn't hold it right, but my friends have ones that go out more and can use it well.

Since your hands are free read a book/magazine/newspaper something to take your mind off the pumping. The more you're thinking "OMG I'm not making enough for my baby!" the less you're going to make. I've had this happen to me a lot. I have to relax.

How long are you pumping for? I suggest staying there for a full 20 minutes until after your second let down. At about 15 minutes start massaging your breast or doing compressions to them. It'll help get that excess milk out. You'll see it if you watch.

As for upping the supply I take this Fenugreek supplement and it works alright. It'll make you smell like a pancake though sometimes if you work out a lot lol. Hmmm...I ate oatmeal and that worked too. You're already drinking water so that's good too. Make sure you're getting enough calories. I think that just by breastfeeding you burn 600 a day so you need to make sure you're getting enough yourself.

So let me know if you've tried these. Hope they help out. :)