Looking for help with a campaign - remote interaction between parents and children...


Junior Member
Nov 13, 2013
I'm looking for some help from anyone who might know people I can get in contact with to raise the awareness of a project I've been working on.
I'm a father of a very soon to be 5 year old daughter who unfortunately lives a significant distance from where I call home, so I took a break from work and spent the last 3-4 months working on a means of improving our Skype time together.
As of now the application allows two people to share the reading experience together remotely by displaying to both how the other is interacting with the device. An example of this is a display of where they are actually touching the page.

Now I'm at a point where I either leave it as a personal project or build it into something others can take advantage of.

I've launched a Kickstarter campaign this morning in the hope of finding others who might be interested. If you've got the time you can have a look at EMC Touch - Bed time stories without barriers on the kickstarter site.

Any suggestions on who I can approach or even better referrals, would be greatly appreciated.

Greg Callow


Junior Member
Nov 13, 2013
Update. EMC Touch can now be tried for free up until the end of 2013.

It is only a BETA Release right now so you join the Google Group here.

Also the initial basic website has alot of the Help and how to info
