meals and food choices...


PF Enthusiast
Aug 10, 2011
What is offered is what will be eaten of you will not eat until breakfast. It's what my dad did with me and what I will do with my girls.
I was the stubborn child who would refuse to eat. Hopefully my girls are nothing like me.
I am a very picky eater but I will eat what I want my girls to eat (healthy meats, vegis, fruits whole grain etc) so I'll just have to suck it up. I will insist that they try at least one bite of everything on their plates at every meal. After that, they can either eat more, or sit and wait for everyone else to finish.


PF Enthusiast
Jan 2, 2012
In our house, its a constant battle with mealtimes.
First off, SD is extremely picky with her food. 1 Year ago she refused to eat anything other than pasta and pizza. Her mother still gave her ensure and practically if the kid drank a glass of milk, she would be full.
Fast forward 1 year later: we still struggle with dinner time, every bite is a negotiation but my SD is eating what is put in front of her.
She made a comment over the weekend that at her mommys she doesn't try anything new.
I had asked: How do you know if you like or don't like anything if you don't try anything new?
she states: I do, I eat new stuff over here! She says as she sticks a piece of Salmon in her mouth! (Proud SP here!)
Dinner is the main meal where we like to enforce the healthy-ness of food. Breakfast is either pancakes, oatmeal or cereal and Lunch will be something easy, usually not so healthy.
But we are pleased with the outcome that has happened within the past year.
Its huge leaps for her to be excited about Salmon.

Captain Belly

Junior Member
Jan 22, 2012
My parents MADE me finish my plate. I can not leave anything on my plate to this day. I think "hey... I don't want to waste this food" ..... fast forward to now....... when my kids say that are full, I tell them to scrape their plates in the trash. I'm sold on this idea!


Junior Member
Jan 25, 2012
Chichester UK
I believe it's really important to set a good, healthy food example for kids and to get them involved. It's also important to give them some leeway, so they can have treats and things they love in moderation. I have worked with kids who's parents had a strict regime and it backfired over time. Healthy habits are essential but get the kids to elect into to by keeping it playful.