Meals for 15-month olds?...


PF Fiend
Jan 7, 2008
What do you feed your young toddler? My son will eat anything and has a major freeze-dried peas addiction. But his sister is very picky. She probably is also bored as I am in a rut about what to feed them.

What do your young children eat for lunch and dinner?


PF Visionary
Sep 12, 2007
My son is almost 15 months. He eats a lot of PB sandwiches, chicken nuggets, peas, crackers, mandarine oranges and toast.


PF Deity
Apr 9, 2007
mine will be two on Wednesday, BUT she has always just eaten whatever we eat. I don't believe in making a child a "special" meal unless it is a special ocassion or what not. Now their are times that she does he chicken nuggets for lunch and thats fine, but if I am having a grilled cheese, so is she.


PF Visionary
Sep 12, 2007
Kaytee said:
mine will be two on Wednesday, BUT she has always just eaten whatever we eat. I don't believe in making a child a "special" meal unless it is a special ocassion or what not. Now their are times that she does he chicken nuggets for lunch and thats fine, but if I am having a grilled cheese, so is she.
Lucky you! Oliver is so picky. He usually has something separate than me. Not a good habit, I know.


PF Deity
Apr 9, 2007
lol, you are never to late to start.
She has never had seperate food from us. I made what we had for dinner and put it in the food processor for her when she was little. Now breakfast I would usually do a fruit puree of some sort and freeze it in ice cubes but....


PF Fiend
Jan 7, 2008
Thanks for the replies. :)

I don't think they would eat our meals. For dinner we had very hot red curry chicken with tomatoes and pidgeon peas and for lunch a salad with a lot of vinegar along with mint, feta, and arugula. Most of our food has a lot of herbs, spice, strong flavors, and/or ingredients a lot of kids don't like - arugula, endive, miso, strong cheeses (e.g., blue, brie), etc. Even my ILs think our meals are "too spicy" or otherwise weird as they are meat-and-potatoes folk. So for now they (um, both the twins and my ILs :p) get a more simple menu such as cooked veggies with butter, pasta and herbed tomato sauce, pancakes with sweet potato, yogurt smoothies. I do expect that by the time they are school-aged they will be able to accept the majority of what we eat, with some modifications for their age, but wonder when to start this.

For folks who feed their children what they eat, what kind of meals do you share?


PF Deity
Apr 9, 2007
we share everything! The only time I gave her something other then what we were having is like if I had shrimp. We were not suppose to give shrimp till Nichole was 3, but now that she is allergy tested she has that as well.
If I have something really spicy, I give her a watered down version of it. For example if we have what you stated in the last post. I would make the red curry chicken, but leave out a small piece and not add any seasoning to it, but would cook it together. That way it still gets some of the flavor but not the whole blast of curry. THey can still eat tomatoes and and peas. Nichole will eat a salad as well. So if I made what you had for lunch, she would have a salad with feta (mmm feta lol) and then I would give her something to go with it, so left over chicken from last night.
Think of it this way, middle eastern decent people can sometimes eat very spicy style foods, such as curry, do you think they make their 3 year olds eat something different then what they are having? Kids eat what they are used to eating.

I'm afraid that when you think they should be eating what you eat, it will be too late and you will have picky eaters.


PF Fiend
Jan 7, 2008
Kaytee said:
I'm afraid that when you think they should be eating what you eat, it will be too late and you will have picky eaters.
Thanks for the reply. This is my fear as well. It would be easy with just my son: he's game to try anything and is much less picky. My daughter is extremely picky and has been since she started solids.

I did try to give them a bit of feta (it is pretty salty so I just wanted to give them a taste). They acted like I gave them a nibble of D-Con. :p For the rest of the day, unfortunately, my daughter did not want to eat anything, so I'm a bit wary of giving her too much of strong tastes.

Too bad for them about the salad (with feta, cous cous, and lentils) as it s really tasty. More for me, I guess. :)


PF Deity
Apr 9, 2007
lol you can pass the feta to me!! My dd loves it too. Of course the only thing she won't eat is peas


PF Fiend
Jan 7, 2008
Kaytee said:
lol you can pass the feta to me!! My dd loves it too. Of course the only thing she won't eat is peas
Does she like freeze-dried peas like "Just Peas"? My daughter didn't like cooked peas at all until she started eating freeze-dried peas. They both love these, and they make a handy snack.

You might like the salad recipe if you like feta. It's here. I add extra feta. :)


PF Deity
Apr 9, 2007
nope, she won't eat them at all. One thing that I like (warnign gross lol) is Tuna Helper creamy pasta. I know bad food, but I always add a small can of peass or add a handful of frozen. Well she ate a huge plate of it, but all that was left was a pile of peas! lol
We tried giving her the freeze dried ones and she puts them in her mouth and spits it out! lol I figure who cares, she eats everything else so peas is fine. Her fave is brocolli.
I will check out the recipee. My DH and I LOVE FETA and salad!