My own 'Cash for Clunkers' program...


PF Fanatic
Jan 2, 2009
Fort Wayne, In
How does this sound to you guys?

After picking up about 250 of Alexander's Hot Wheels, the wife and I came to a decision that some of these had to go, if nothing else just for our sanity. So we sat Alexander down and showed him how to choose which ones he liked best and how to define the best quality cars with the option to keep the ones that are special to him no matter how crappy they are. 15 at a time, he sorted them and we had him give us the bottom 7 of each group. and tossed them in a bag, ending up with about 40 cars.

Now we went to Wal-Mart and took bought him a nice toy Hot Wheels sized car that had lots of detail, he thought was cool and resonably priced ($3.00). We made a deal with him. From now on, when we get him a car or when he buys one with his own money, he get's a good car and has to give us 5 cheap junky ones he has at home. This way he reduces his number of cars (250 was a conservative estimate) and the quality of his cars goes up. Plus he learns to get the good stuff, not the cheap stuff.

My on little rebate program... :)
